debris flow

debris flow [dəˈbri: fləu]  [dəˈbri flo] 

debris flow 基本解释


debris flow 网络解释

debris flow的近义词

1. 泥石流:泥石流(debris flow) 泥石流的定义和种类 泥石流是山区沟谷中,由暴雨、冰雪融水等水源激发的,含有大量的泥砂、石块的特殊洪流. 其特征往往突然暴发,浑浊的流体沿着陡峻的山沟前推后拥,奔腾咆哮而下,地面为之震动、山谷犹如雷鸣.

2. 土石流:土石流(debris flow)在中国大陆称之为泥石流,是松散的土石和水的混和体在重力的作用下,沿著自然的山坡面流动而下的现象,此种现象在陆地和海底也会出现.

3. 碎屑流:这一段浮岩成分减少,而外来从火山泥石流的碎屑流(debris flow)向超高密集流转变的过渡阶以下形成复成分超高密集流(hyperconcentrated stream flow)堆按照火山爆发强度指数(VEI)的规定,喷发物总体积超过高的逸出强度,

4. 泥石流;岩屑流:debris 泥石;岩屑;瓦砾 | debris flow 泥石流;岩屑流 | debris flow deposit 泥石流形成的坡积物

debris flow 单语例句


1. The village was hit by debris flow caused by typhoon Morakot and casualties was estimated at at least 32.

2. debris flow

2. Chen told the Global Times that the torrential flooding and debris flow had leveled two residential areas of Shangyang village in his county.

3. She announced an initial federal contribution of $ 5 million to restore traffic flow, clear the debris and begin the repair work.
