
deaths ['deθs]  ['deθs] 


deaths 基本解释
死( death的名词复数 );毁灭;死神;永久的灭亡;
deaths 网络解释

1. 死亡:死亡(DEATHS) 特定势力已经损失一定数量的单位时. 过去时间(ELAPSED TIME) 等待一段时间. 最高得分(HIGHEST SCORE) 当特定势力拥有最高得分时. 杀敌(KILL) 当特定势力杀死一定数量的单位时. 杀敌最少(LEAST KILLS) 当特定势力杀敌数为最少时.

2. 死亡次数:相对来说用的比较少,也是按F10后选择相应的选项发起投票,都是需要所有人同意才行. 正补是Creep Kill(CK),反补是Creep Deny(CD),KD比是杀人数(Kills)与死亡次数(Deaths)的比值,可以作为除了PSR之外衡量此人是否pro的标准之一.

3. 死亡(事例):damages损失,损害 | deaths死亡(事例) | flood洪水,水灾

deaths 单语例句

1. deaths什么意思

1. An officer from the Municipal Health Office pointed out that in recent years, death caused by chronic disease accounts for above 85 percent of all recent deaths.

2. According to the state organization, the increase was contributed more by birth surplus to deaths than by net immigration.

3. France's National Day this year was overshadowed by the deaths of five French soldiers killed by a suicide bomber in Afghanistan the day before.

4. The exact cause of the girls'deaths is still under investigation, but the temperature in Jingzhou city reached 31 C on Tuesday.

5. Faye Chan of SPHC said that it's tricky to try to calculate patients'waiting time, because sometimes one or two sudden deaths release more beds.

6. The researchers compared deaths in the people with the highest intakes to deaths in people with the lowest to calculate the increased risk.

7. China's National Safety Administration Bureau defines major accidents as those causing more than 10 deaths, but standards vary and CNPC might use a different calculation.

8. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

8. Breast cancer is the most common major cancer in American women and the second leading cause of cancer deaths in women.

9. A slightly injured baby has been found in the arms of a mother who had lost consciousness in a car accident that caused two deaths.

10. Fourteen deaths in Florida were blamed on Wilma, including five victims of carbon monoxide poisoning.
