
dealing [ˈdi:lɪŋ] [ˈdi:liŋ] 







dealing 基本解释


动词经营; [牌戏]分( deal的现在分词 ); 分配; 施予

dealing 相关例句


1. He is well known for fair dealing.

2. She has a reputation for honest dealing.

3. We have dealings with their firm from time to time.

4. As for you, I refuse to have any dealings with you.

dealing 网络解释

1. 行为:<<法案>>将所有公司金融服务,根据其风险程度划分为五类:与投资者之间建立直接债权债务关系的交易行为(dealing),与投资者之间建立信托关系的资产管理(assets management)客户资产保管(asset custodian management)业务;

2. 交易,买卖:Dealer 经纪人,零售商 | Dealing 交易,买卖 | Debenture 信用债券,海关退税

3. 交易,生意:copy 副本 | dealing 交易,生意 | decline 下降,下跌

dealing 单语例句

1. Beijing lawyers dealing with employment conflicts are expecting more business thanks to the labor contract law taking effect a month ago.

2. This is the first time Buss has said he would consider dealing Bryant.

3. " Contraband " was recorded while Weiland was dealing with another drugs bust, and amid massive skepticism that the group would amount to anything.

4. dealing是什么意思

4. A senior British Cabinet minister resigned yesterday, dealing a blow to Prime Minister Gordon Brown whose popularity is flagging badly.

5. dealing

5. The regulations aim to clarify related laws and regulations used when dealing with such crimes and standards for calculating stolen electricity.

6. dealing的翻译

6. They also espouse " value diplomacy " and call for the establishment of a " democratic alliance " when dealing with China.

7. The circular called on Party members and officials to grasp the basic spirit of the thought and apply it in dealing with practical matters.

8. dealing的反义词

8. " The experiences show that we have done a good job in dealing with these challenges, " he said.

9. dealing

9. The autonomous region's capacity of dealing with emergent public health incidents and epidemics has been constantly improved.

10. A flood prevention drill was staged on June 26 in Beijing to enhance the capital city's capability of dealing with emergencies at metro construction sites.

dealing 英英释义



1. the act of transacting within or between groups (as carrying on commercial activities)

    e.g. no transactions are possible without him
           he has always been honest is his dealings with me

    Synonym: transaction dealings

2. method or manner of conduct in relation to others

    e.g. honest dealing
