dead tree

dead tree [ded tri:]  [dɛd tri] 

dead tree 基本解释
dead tree 网络解释


1. 紙(死樹):死變遷 dead transition | 紙(死樹) dead tree | 紙本 dead tree edition

2. 死亡木:被压木 suppressed tree | 死亡木 dead tree | 下层疏伐 low thinning, thinning from below

3. 過時的, 陳舊的:die off 相繼死去 | dead-tree 過時的, 陳舊的 | thud 砰地落下

4. 纸质的:desk research 案头调研 | dead tree 纸质的 | perception n.观念,看法

dead tree 单语例句

1. State troopers apprehended him at school after tree trimmers called 911 when Houk's youngest daughter told them she thought her mother was dead.

2. They spent the night cutting up a dead tree to feed the flames, sharing a single water bottle with melted snow and four Snickers bars.

3. " The Tree " tells the story of a young girl convinced the spirit of her dead father lives on in a sprawling fig tree.

4. dead tree的近义词

4. They explained that the tree was dead and might fall on us.
