dead end

dead end [ded end]  [dɛd ɛnd] 

第三人称复数:dead ends

dead end 基本解释


dead end 网络解释

dead end的近义词

1. 死胡同:布莱克威尔曾在青年时期被一名星探所提拔,他的第一个工作就是在百老汇的戏剧<<死胡同>>(Dead End)里担任替补演员. 虽然他只登台过一次,但这也让他踏入了好莱坞的电影舞台.

2. 胡同:做科研的过程中步入绝境或者说死胡同(dead end)的事情常常有. 有人拨云见雾走出来了,有人却永远迷失了. 绝境是由很多主观和客观因素造成的,它是你出现在你面前的、靠目前的技术手段无法解决的问题. 由于这种封闭性的科研行为在少部分实验室存在比较普遍,

dead end 词典解释

1. 死路;死胡同
    If a street is a dead end, there is no way out at one end of it.

2. 绝境;僵局
    A dead end job or course of action is one that you think is bad because it does not lead to further developments or progress.

    e.g. Waitressing was a dead-end job.

dead end 单语例句

1. Last month Maliki appeared to catch Washington off guard when he said talks on the security deal were at a " dead end ".

2. dead end

2. It ends with his dead body swinging at the end of a rope.

3. Xie stands accused of leading China's soccer down a dead end since he took charge four years ago.

4. dead end在线翻译

4. Otherwise " the game will hit a dead end ", he said.

5. " Our model of development is at a dead end, " he said.

6. dead end

6. The mothers show their young how finding the dead end containing the same wires and metal pieces used in landmines can earn you a treat.

7. Its squander of resources and damage to the environment will drag us into a real dead end in the not too distant future.

8. As Hu said, standing still or regressing will only lead to a dead end.

9. The fundamental cause of the decline of any nation or party lies in their bringing reform to a dead end.

10. It has been proven that there is a dead end for utilitarian football.

dead end 英英释义

dead end


1. a passage with access only at one end

    Synonym: cul cul de sac

2. dead end在线翻译

2. a situation in which no progress can be made or no advancement is possible

    e.g. reached an impasse on the negotiations

    Synonym: deadlock impasse stalemate standstill
