
date [deɪt]  [det] 








date 基本解释


名词约会; 日期,日子; 时代,年代; (北非和西亚常见的海枣树的)海枣

及物动词过时; 使…显老; 显示出…时代(或年龄); 鉴定…的年代


不及物动词属于某一特定时期; 从某时起计算日期; 记载日期; 注有(或注明)日期

date 相关词组

1. out of date : 过时的, 废弃的;

date 相关例句


1. Tom never dates his letter.

2. Can you date the fossil exactly?


1. Most pop songs soon date.


1. Many ruins of Roman date are to be seen in the south of France.

2. What is the date today?

3. The date palm gives some shade to the house in the summer.

date 情景对话



B:Please, fill out this application fomp3.

A:Where should I write my (address/ telephone number/ date of birth)?


A:What date is it today?

B:Today is December 23, 2002.
      今天是2002 年12 月23 日。

A:Oh, the day after tomorrow is Christmas.

B:Merry Christmas to you!

A:You too!


A:Could you come and spend the weekend with us?

B:Oh, I’m afraid I can’t. I’ve had a date already.

A:That’s too bad!

B:Maybe some other time.

date 网络解释


1. 修改日期:常见的磁盘碎片整理工具(DefragmentTool)有:按文件名排序、按最后修改日期(Date)排序、按最后访问(Access,实际仅指

2. date:or datetime; 要转换的时间串

date 词典解释


1. 日期;日子
    A date is a specific time that can be named, for example a particular day or a particular year.

    e.g. What's the date today?...
    e.g. You will need to give the dates you wish to stay and the number of rooms you require.

2. 确定…的日期(或年代)
    If you date something, you give or discover the date when it was made or when it began.

    e.g. You cannot date the carving and it is difficult to date the stone itself...
    e.g. I think we can date the decline of Western Civilization quite precisely...

3. date的意思

3. 在(信件、支票等)上注明日期
    When you date something such as a letter or a cheque, you write that day's date on it.

    e.g. Once the decision is reached, he can date and sign the sheet...
    e.g. The letter is dated 2 July 1993.
           信件上的日期是 1993 年 7 月 2 日。

4. 在(某个)日期;在(某个)时间
    If you want to refer to an event without saying exactly when it will happen or when it happened, you can say that it will happen or happened at some date in the future or past.

    e.g. Retain copies of all correspondence, since you may need them at a later date...
    e.g. He did leave open the possibility of direct American aid at some unspecified date in the future...

5. 迄今;到目前为止
    To date means up until the present time.

    e.g. 'Dottie' is by far his best novel to date...
    e.g. She is without question the craziest person I've met to date...

6. 过时;落伍
    If something dates, it goes out of fashion and becomes unacceptable to modern tastes.

    e.g. A black coat always looks smart and will never date...
    e.g. This album has hardly dated at all.

7. 使显老;使显出年龄大
    If your ideas, what you say, or the things that you like or can remember date you, they show that you are quite old or older than the people you are with.

    e.g. It's going to date me now. I attended that school from 1969 to 1972.
           现在说起来我就显老了。我 1969至 1972 年就读于那所学校。

8. date的近义词

8. (尤指男女间的)约会
    A date is an appointment to meet someone or go out with them, especially someone with whom you are having, or may soon have, a romantic relationship.

    e.g. I have a date with Bob...
    e.g. He had made a date with a girl he had met the day before...

9. 约会对象
    If you have a date with someone with whom you are having, or may soon have, a romantic relationship, you can refer to that person as your date .

    e.g. He lied to Essie, saying his date was one of the girls in the show.

10. date的反义词

10. (与…)约会
    If you are dating someone, you go out with them regularly because you are having, or may soon have, a romantic relationship with them. You can also say that two people are dating.

    e.g. For a year I dated a woman who was a research assistant...
    e.g. They've been dating for three months...

11. 911查询·英语单词

11. 海枣(果)
      A date is a small, dark-brown, sticky fruit with a stone inside. Dates grow on palm trees in hot countries.

12. see also: blind date;carbon dating;dated;out of date;up to date

相关词组:date back date from

date 单语例句

1. The date of issue of the business licence shall be the date of the establishment of the enterprise.

2. Kim Kardashian wants to date a " lawyer or a businessman ".

3. But the film will only be seen in the near future because the investor went bust before its original screening date.

4. If you are tired of the perpetual work in the urban hustle and bustle, a date with the sky is a perfect alternative.

5. Jennifer Aniston has enjoyed a date with Gerard Butler - at the same venue she was seen dining with John Mayer days earlier.

6. According to a CAD release, the applicable surcharge levels are based on the ticket issue date.

7. She had a caesarean operation four weeks ahead of the delivery date to ensure her baby's safety.

8. As the date is drawing near, many AMCs have taken action to reform their shareholding system and diversify their business scope.

9. date什么意思

9. The date of Chinese New Year on the solar calendar changes every year.

10. The proposal came in response to a call by the national tourism authority to solicit a date for the country's national tourism day.

date 英英释义


1. sweet edible fruit of the date palm with a single long woody seed

2. a meeting arranged in advance

    e.g. she asked how to avoid kissing at the end of a date

    Synonym: appointment engagement

3. a participant in a date

    e.g. his date never stopped talking

    Synonym: escort

4. the present

    e.g. they are up to date
           we haven't heard from them to date

5. the specified day of the month

    e.g. what is the date today?

    Synonym: day of the month

6. date什么意思

6. a particular day specified as the time something happens

    e.g. the date of the election is set by law

7. the particular day, month, or year (usually according to the Gregorian calendar) that an event occurred

    e.g. he tried to memorizes all the dates for his history class

8. a particular but unspecified point in time

    e.g. they hoped to get together at an early date

    Synonym: particular date


1. date

1. assign a date to
    determine the (probable) date of

    e.g. Scientists often cannot date precisely archeological or prehistorical findings

2. provide with a dateline
    mark with a date

    e.g. She wrote the letter on Monday but she dated it Saturday so as not to reveal that she procrastinated

3. stamp with a date

    e.g. The package is dated November 24

    Synonym: date stamp


4. go on a date with

    e.g. Tonight she is dating a former high school sweetheart

5. date regularly
    have a steady relationship with

    e.g. Did you know that she is seeing an older man?
           He is dating his former wife again!

    Synonym: go steady go out see
