
database [ˈdeɪtəbeɪs]  [ˈdetəˌbes, ˈdætə-] 


database 基本解释

名词数据库; 资料库; 信息库

database 网络解释

1. 数据库;数据库:要了解Oracle体系结构必须先了解两个基本的概念: 数据库和实例.一: 数据库 数据库(database)是一个数据集合. 无论数据库是采用关系结构还是面向对象结构, oracle数据库都将 其数据存放在数据文件中. 在其内部, 数据库结构数据对文件的逻辑 映射,

2. 建立数据库:生命周期评估(Life Cycle Assessment, LCA)也是另一个由工研院所推动的重点项目,在经济部技术处的科技项目计划支持下,透过化工所环境科技研究组来做LCA的研究、宣导及建立数据库(database)的工作.

3. database:b; 数据库

database 词典解释

1. (计算机)数据库,资料库
    A database is a collection of data that is stored in a computer and that can easily be used and added to.

    e.g. They maintain a database of hotels that cater for businesswomen.

database 单语例句

1. FDB's drug database will further support medical staff by enabling them to access detailed drug information electronically instead of consulting reference books.

2. By the end of the year 40 enterprises and 200 products will be included in the database.

3. Then that information is sent by way of GPRS to a central database.

4. The central authority is proposing to initiate a networked database of personal information as a move toward collecting income tax on a household basis.

5. The central bank established a basic database of individual credit information collected from domestic commercial banks across the nation about eight months ago.

6. 911查询·英语单词

6. Chinese cultural researchers will adapt modern computer and video technologies to set up a national audio and video database for Chinese traditional opera.

7. The program allows Customs officials to check passengers instantly against terrorist watch lists and a national criminal database.

8. Commercial banks would in turn use the corporate database to check the credit worthiness of borrowers once it was completed.

9. CICPA is currently studying a system to check on the practices of its member accountants and a database that records any misdemeanors.

10. database是什么意思

10. The face recognition system takes one second to check each person, by comparing selected facial features in a database.

database 英英释义


1. an organized body of related information
