1. 蒲公英粉:她家最著名的当属猪油膏(dr.feelgood)和 蒲公英粉(dandelion)了. . . 液体腮红(benetint)浓浓的玫瑰味道,在颧骨上涂2,3下,用手指晕开,很自然的红润,还可以做唇彩,是出门的必备喽
2. 丹德利昂铅基轴承合金:dandelion ==> 蒲公英,药用蒲公英=>タンポポ | Dandelion ==> 丹德利昂铅基轴承合金 | Dandelion metal ==> 丹得来昂轴承合金,铅基白合金,铅基锑锡轴承合金
3. 蒲公英蜜粉:卷眼充电笔 eye bright | 蒲公英蜜粉 dandelion | 小蜜桃蜜粉 georgia
1. 蒲公英
A dandelion is a wild plant which has yellow flowers with lots of thin petals. When the petals of each flower drop off, a fluffy white ball of seeds grows.
1. All proceeds will be donated to underprivileged students at the Dandelion School.
2. dandelion什么意思
2. One of his most famous works is Dandelion, which he created in 1958.
1. any of several herbs of the genus Taraxacum having long tap roots and deeply notched leaves and bright yellow flowers followed by fluffy seed balls
Synonym: blowball