
dalton [ˈdɔ:ltən]  [ˈdɔltən] 

dalton 基本解释


dalton 网络解释

1. 道尔顿:查理定律以数学公式表示如下:(四) 道尔顿(Dalton)定律 道尔顿定律也称分压定律,是指当温度不变时,混合气体的总压等于各组成气体的分压之和. 或者说,一种混合气体产生的总压强,等于组成该混合气体的每种气体单独存在并占据整个容积时所产生的压强之和.

2. 多尔顿:为了进一步验证上述结果,多尔顿(Dalton)等分析了1989年至1996年丹麦北方居民的资料,共有43932例抗抑郁药应用者,将其NHL发病率与不用抗抑郁药的人群相比较.

3. 道耳顿:平均分子量介于105-107道耳顿(Dalton)之间. 玻尿酸可说是皮肤的保湿因子. 他具有可以吸收500-1000 倍体积的能力,玻尿酸注射除皱适应症比起胶原蛋白分子只能携带30倍的水分,可说是当今文献中最强的保湿物质. 除了保湿后膨胀体积的特性外,

4. 达尔顿:2004年6月)上宣读,问卷调查的部分结果发表于<<国家行政学院学报>>(北京)2005年第4期. 在此,对会议主办方的邀请,对孙龙博士、美国达尔顿(Dalton)州立大学郭宝刚教授等人提问和评论,笔者一并致以衷心的感谢!

dalton 单语例句

1. dalton的反义词

1. " We're pretty much ready to go racing, " said Emirates Team NZ principal Grant Dalton.

2. " It's now probable we might not see a normal regatta until 2011, " Team New Zealand's managing director Grant Dalton said in the statement.

3. With Iranian hardliners calling for the expulsion of Mr Dalton, the British Government has been braced for reprisals.

4. dalton

4. Dalton said the principle was previously supported by a few isolated examples but it was not until 2010 that the idea was widely accepted.

dalton 英英释义



1. English chemist and physicist who formulated atomic theory and the law of partial pressures
    gave the first description of red-green color blindness (1766-1844)

    Synonym: John Dalton
