dairy products

dairy products

dairy products 基本解释
dairy products 网络解释

1. 乳制品:生产一系列知名的婴儿食品(Infant formula)、医疗用特殊营养品(Cinicalnutrition)、乳制品(Dairy products)等. 发展至今已成为欧洲第一大的专业营养品制造厂商,受到无数消费者宝贝乐较大婴儿配方奶粉特别调制来补充婴儿断奶中之饮食.

2. 奶产品:北京--肥胖症(obesity)在中国快速蔓延,超过四分之一(quarter)的成人超重或肥胖(overweight or obese),由于人们增加了更多的肉和奶产品(dairy products)到他们的饮食(diet)中,...

3. 牛产品:1.frozen food 速冻食品 | 2.dairy products 牛产品 | 3.packaged foods 包装食品

dairy products 单语例句

1. By comparison, the country's leading dairy products company Mengniu has 32 percent of the milk market.

2. The US ordered the products to be stopped at its borders unless importers certify them to be either free of dairy products or melamine.

3. The former chairwoman and general manager of dairy firm Sanlu Group did not deny the charge of producing and selling fake or substandard products.

4. One of the country's largest dairy products'makers said its milk food had been contaminated with a chemical called melamine.

5. The chemical has been found in infant formula and other milk products from more than 20 Chinese dairy companies in the past weeks.

6. China's dairy industry production volume has bounced back after a melamine scandal in 2008, when several Chinese powdered milk products were found to contain this harmful additive.

7. The Ministry of Environmental Protection on Tuesday urged its local bureaus to closely monitor the disposal of contaminated dairy products to minimize pollution.

8. The Chinese feel a greater necessity to place a premium on health and ecology with growing demand to consume more organic dairy products.

9. These figures indicate plenty of room for growth in the consumption of dairy products in China.

10. Meanwhile, grain and oil expenditures decreased while consumption of health foods such as dairy products increased.
