
dabbler ['dæblə]  [ˈdæblɚ] 

dabbler 基本解释

名词半吊子; 戏水者,业余家

dabbler 相关例句


1. The Moon Lake is crowded with dabblers in this summer evening.

2. This type of error is very common among dabblers.

dabbler 网络解释

1. 戏水者:dabble 弄湿 | dabbler 戏水者 | dabchick 鸟的一种

2. 业余家:dabbler 戏水者 | dabbler 业余家 | dabblersmatterer 半瓶醋

3. 嬉水者,涉猎者,浅尝者:Cynic 犬儒派,愤世嫉俗者 | Dabbler 嬉水者,涉猎者,浅尝者 | Dame,broad 女人

4. 业余学习者:dabble 涉猎 | dabbler 业余学习者 | babble 胡扯

dabbler 双语例句

1. His wife, Electra, was a capable helpmeet, although--like himself-- a dreamer of dreams and a private dabbler in romance.

2. I am also a dabbler in light weights, and for the last three years have been working with them.


3. I have held this English dabbler person in contempt most!

4. You dare say I am a dabbler!

5. A dabbler in an art or a field of knowledge.

6. He's not a dedicated musician, just a dabbler.

7. He is a dabbler.

8. A specialist, mind you, not just a dabbler.

9. It everywhere mere copycat, learning that 18 degree, but not always, it was not a dabbler acid D What?

10. Terms for describing a disciplinarian, toady, dabbler, provocative woman, flag-waver, possessor of a one-track mind, freethinker, sufferer from imaginary ailments, etc.

11. A dabbler in the graphic arts; pulsed He-Ne laser planeplate interferometer


12. The half-filled bottle sloshes; the full bottle remains still.; The dabbler in knowledge chatters away; the wise man stays silent.

13. A dabbler in the graphic arts;

14. Those possessed of great wisdom are composed, tranquil, and open-minded while the dabbler are chatty.

15. If you look at history you'll find that no state has been so plagued by its rulers as when power has fallen into the hands of some dabbler in philosophy or literary addict.


16. She said that she was only a dabbler in the art of novel writing, and that her real interest was in poetry.

dabbler 英英释义


1. any of numerous shallow-water ducks that feed by upending and dabbling

    Synonym: dabbling duck

2. an amateur who engages in an activity without serious intentions and who pretends to have knowledge

    Synonym: dilettante sciolist
