
cynicism ['sɪnɪsɪzəm]  [ˈsɪnɪˌsɪzəm] 


cynicism 基本解释

名词玩世不恭; 愤世嫉俗; 讥笑,讥讽的言词; 犬儒哲学,犬儒主义

cynicism 网络解释

1. 玩世不恭:该量表包括三部分:情绪衰竭(Emotional Exhaustion)、玩世不恭(Cynicism)和成就感低落(Reduced Personal Accomplishment). 情绪衰竭分量表包括5道题,玩世不恭分量表包括5道题,成就感低落分量表包括6道题,整个问卷共16道题.

2. 玩世不恭, 冷嘲热讽:aerials: 天线 | cynicism: 玩世不恭, 冷嘲热讽 | pessimism: 悲观, 悲观主义

cynicism 词典解释

1. 认为世人皆自私的观念;愤世嫉俗
    Cynicism is the belief that people always act selfishly.

    e.g. I found Ben's cynicism wearing at times.

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2. (对成功或人的真善的)怀疑
    Cynicism about something is the belief that it cannot be successful or that the people involved are not honourable.

    e.g. This talk betrays a certain cynicism about free trade.

cynicism 单语例句

1. cynicism

1. Li's estimation came despite public cynicism after the nation's charity sector was hit by a series of scandals last year.

2. " You can sense the cynicism and animosity, " he said.

3. This goes to prove that while cynicism often accompanies government campaigns, when the majority of the public agrees with it things can change.

4. Some worry whether cynicism and the demands of the marketplace are stifling Chinese culture, but Desai noted that there is actually a revival of the past in China.

5. While media interest in reviving the band that once epitomized female empowerment is high, it has also been met with considerable cynicism.

6. Making a difference to the environment was seen as a priority while there was much cynicism about the influence of celebrities on their lives.

7. Even those who study marriage and work to make it more successful can't decide whether the trend is grounds for celebration or cynicism.

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8. The cynicism is so pervasive that the grassroots reaction can be summed up by the old saying " the rich are not kind ".

9. But his view of humanity contains enough misanthropic cynicism that human tenderness escapes him.

10. In this age of cynicism, he indeed is a noble soul and deserves all the tribute he is getting.

cynicism 英英释义


1. a cynical feeling of distrust
