
cutoff ['kʌtɔ:f]  [ˈkʌtˌɔf, -ˌɑf] 

cutoff 基本解释


名词近路; 运河; 新河道; 中止

cutoff 网络解释

1. 截止:TDA6103Q{5}脚为暗平衡检测控制端,改变{5}脚直流电位可以调整R、G、B束流截止电压,由于在TDA6103Q的前级增设了白平衡调整控制电路TA8889AP,R、G、B截止(CUTOFF)和激励调整(DRIVE)是CPU通过I2C BUS输送软件设置数据在TA8889AP 内完成的.

2. 截断:优化免疫反应的时间和浓度后,用FOB-3分别检测炭疽芽孢及繁殖体、鼠疫F1抗原和葡萄球菌肠毒素B.为便于结果判定,确定截断(cutoff)值,并以Ssignal与NNnoise差值的形式消除荧光信号中的噪声.结果:使用光纤生物传感器FOB-3,

3. 閾值:又称古柯碱,是一种中枢神经兴奋剂,具有典型的精神兴奋作用. 可卡因的主要代谢产物是苯甲酰爱康宁(BE, Benzoylec-gonine),故目前检测可卡因的诊断试剂盒均以检测BE为主. 目前国际通用的可卡因诊断阈值(Cutoff)为300ng/ml.

4. 截止频率:奇摩部落格简单的R-C滤波器截止频率(Cutoff)计算程式 2009/03/19 新增 1 个DIY 实作 含音控前级的LM1875-22W功率放大器 ... MC34063电源升压电路板 新增 1 个 实用文件 [如何办别 NPN、PNP电晶体及其脚位] ... 好像不错,

5. cutoff:c-o; 关闭,切断

cutoff 单语例句

1. cutoff什么意思

1. A cutoff of Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel Ceiling places a necktie on the naked Adam, concealing his penis and at the same time making him a stripper.

2. Both Fisch and Singh said they don't think there's a " cutoff " point for fatherhood.

3. One thing I've never nor probably ever will get used to is the March 15 cutoff for having heat in our apartments.

4. The reason for this sudden rise in babies is the cutoff birth date for children to start school is Aug 31.

5. cutoff在线翻译

5. The complete cutoff of Russian gas supplies to the EU since Wednesday has left thousands of European families without heating at the height of winter.

6. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

6. The complete cutoff of Russian gas supplies to the EU has left thousands of European families without heating in the depths of winter.

7. Other netizens said the cutoff point in Beijing and Shanghai should be higher because of higher living costs in bigger cities.

8. UNESCO's vote in favor of Palestinian membership triggered an automatic cutoff in US funding to the agency under US law.

9. The paper offered no funding options nor a recommendation for an immediate cutoff of EU aid.

10. cutoff

10. Adjustment of the cutoff point has been one of the most discussed topics of the general public in recent years.

cutoff 英英释义


1. cutoff在线翻译

1. a device that terminates the flow in a pipe

2. a route shorter than the usual one

    Synonym: shortcut crosscut

3. a designated limit beyond which something cannot function or must be terminated
