
customization ['kʌstəmaɪzeɪʃən]  ['kʌstəmaɪzeɪʃən] 

customization 基本解释


customization 网络解释


1. 客户化:PICN是个缩略词,由个人化(personalization)、个体化(individualization)、客户化(customization)和特定化(narrowcasting)四个词的英文首字母大写组成. 这里,个人化是指产品恰恰正好符合个人的需要;客户化是指客户能根据自己的要求去剪裁某项产品;

2. 用户化:原因在于几乎所有的商品化LIMS在安装之后都需要作大量的用户化(Customization)工作,即编写一些程序满足用户特定的需求,如映射实验室的工作流程以及联结各种分析仪器等.

3. 客制化:必陞和其它同樣從事嵌入式产品制造的廠商比较起来,必陞专门提供客制化的工业用主板,必陞的产品具有生命周期长(Long life cycle)、 客制化(Customization) 、严格版本控制 (Revision Control),和设计支持 (Design support)等共同特点,

customization 单语例句

1. The trick is to find the right balance between uniformity and customization.

2. customization在线翻译

2. The company only picked four leading operators worldwide because a larger mass customization would be too expensive.

3. Too much uniformity will hurt sales productivity whereas too much customization will lead to lower margins.

4. A growing number of online and print shops have been offering calendar customization services in recent years.

5. customization的翻译

5. Strategic planning and marketing require customization and need to be enhanced in real time as the business environment changes.

6. But a high level of customization should help shoppers find their individual level of verve.

7. Customization gradually emerged as a viable industry as more and more people were able to afford a private car.

8. The key to profitability is to find the right balance between uniformity and customization.

9. customization的翻译

9. The customization will help customers find what they need within the shortest time possible.

10. Too much uniformity will reduce attractiveness to shoppers, whereas too much customization will hurt economies of scale and lead to lower margins.
