
curve [kɜ:v]  [kɜ:rv] 











curve 基本解释

名词弧线,曲线; 曲线状物; 弯曲物; [棒]曲线板

及物动词使弯曲; 使成曲线; 使成弧形

不及物动词弯曲; 弯成曲线,弯成弧形; 沿曲线行进

形容词弯曲的; 曲线形的

curve 相关例句



1. The road curved to the right.

2. He curved the piece of wood.


1. The road curves to the west.

2. The river curves round the town.


1. The train turned in a curve.

2. This road is full of sharp curves.

curve 网络解释

1. 弯曲:为了将男性生殖器插入到女性生殖器内,由具有前端为圆形且闭塞的弯曲(curve)的前端部及末端开放的圆筒部、且覆盖男性生殖器的圆筒状构件形成,该圆筒状构件是对可被女性生殖器内的体液溶解的溶解性材料进行硬囊化(hardcapsule)的构件,

2. 弯度:其产品的屈光度(DPT)弯度(CURVE)在严格的品管监控下,能确保镜片的精确度无误. 厦门金鸿光学有限公司系台商独资. 于1994年到福建省厦门市投资开厂,是专业生产加工玻璃研磨镜片公司,工厂应用日本最先进的割边机器设备,

3. 画曲线:六、画曲线(Curve) 在设计过程中,用的较多的是生成曲面边界线,如图3-8,一曲面,现要生成它的边界线作为辅助线来构造更为复杂的曲面,步骤如下: 图3-8 图3-9 选Create>Curve>edge Crv>,点Surface项,然后用鼠标在曲面上点击并将箭头移至所要生成的边界,

curve 词典解释

1. 曲线;弧线
    A curve is a smooth, gradually bending line, for example part of the edge of a circle.

    e.g. ...the curve of his lips.
    e.g. ...a curve in the road.

2. (使)弯曲;(使)呈曲线形
    If something curves, or if someone or something curves it, it has the shape of a curve.

    e.g. Her spine curved...
    e.g. The track curved away below him.

3. 沿曲线运动
    If something curves, it moves in a curve, for example through the air.

    e.g. The ball curved strangely in the air.

4. (尤指用图表表示的)曲线变化
    You can refer to a change in something as a particular curve, especially when it is represented on a graph.

    e.g. Each firm will face a downward-sloping demand curve...
    e.g. Was it just a temporary blip on an otherwise healthy growth curve?

5. 使惊奇;使感到意外;给…出难题
    If someone throws you a curve or if they throw you a curve ball, they surprise you by doing something you do not expect.

    e.g. At the last minute, I threw them a curve ball by saying, 'We're going to bring spouses'.

curve 单语例句

1. In one of its first appearances in Chinese culture, the dragon was depicted as a simple curve like the letter " C " with a tail.

2. Technology curve aside, there's a certain casualness about getting things done in China.

3. curve的翻译

3. Economic theories stipulate that money should chase spots of highest return, and Yang is poised at the curve of high growth and high return.

4. Staying ahead of the curve in this complex environment is a major challenge for producers, customers and policymakers.

5. Conserving resources could give downstream producers just the edge they need to stay ahead of the curve in fiercely competitive international markets.

6. The symmetrical nature of hanging chains produces the consummate curve of arch.


7. The recent trend in the dollar index is defined with a parabolic curve, which suggests a significant correction will develop.

8. The CPI was driven up by price rises in upstream products, while the PPI growth has been on an upward curve since late last year.

9. " We're on a learning curve here, " Cain said.

10. Choose a mouse with a flatter curve and wider interface to help soften the shock to your fingers from clicking the buttons.

curve 英英释义


1. curve是什么意思

1. a pitch of a baseball that is thrown with spin so that its path curves as it approaches the batter

    Synonym: curve ball breaking ball bender

2. curved segment (of a road or river or railroad track etc.)

    Synonym: bend

3. the property possessed by the curving of a line or surface

    Synonym: curvature

4. a line on a graph representing data

5. the trace of a point whose direction of motion changes

    Synonym: curved shape


1. curve的近义词

1. form a curl, curve, or kink

    e.g. the cigar smoke curled up at the ceiling

    Synonym: curl kink

2. turn sharply
    change direction abruptly

    e.g. The car cut to the left at the intersection
           The motorbike veered to the right

    Synonym: swerve sheer trend veer slue slew cut

3. curve的反义词

3. bend or cause to bend

    e.g. He crooked his index finger
           the road curved sharply

    Synonym: crook

4. form an arch or curve

    e.g. her back arches
           her hips curve nicely

    Synonym: arch arc

5. curve

5. extend in curves and turns

    e.g. The road winds around the lake
           the path twisted through the forest

    Synonym: wind twist
