
currents ['kʌrənts]  ['kʌrənts] 



currents 基本解释
水流;电流( current的名词复数 );流速;
currents 网络解释

1. 洋流:开始讲洋流(currents)有三种:水平,上升和下降. 主要讲上升洋流(upwelling current)的成因是季风(prevail),季风的形成是因为海洋与陆地上空的气压不同(有题),导致空气由海洋吹向陆地,而季风带动海洋表面的海水,将海水吹向海岸(有题),海水碰触到海岸后会转向沿着岸际向北或...

2. 流:开始讲洋流(currents)有三种:水平,上升和下降. 主要讲上升洋流(upwelling current)的成因是季风(prevail),季风的形成是因为海洋与陆地上空的气压不同(有题),导致空气由海洋吹向陆地,而季风带动海洋表面的海水,将海水吹向海岸(有题),海水碰触到海岸后会转向沿着岸际向北或...

3. 潮流:2-地球的屋顶 Among the Rafters Of the Earth | 3-潮流 Currents | 4-山谷之下 Under Mountain and Valley

4. 水流:谐波:Harmonic Currents | 水流:currents | 潮流:tidal currents

currents 单语例句

1. In one flooded neighborhood, a man paddled a canoe through ice floes and swirling currents.

2. After departing Tahiti on July 27, the canoe followed the winds and currents.

3. This is a dual story of two unhappy souls, washed across the central European continent by the irresistible currents of international capitalism.

4. currents的反义词

4. The three who drowned had joined hands with 11 other students to form a human chain to pull the two children from the turbulent currents.


5. Some of the bodies had been washed out to sea, then swept by currents to the shores of an adjacent town.

6. To buy a toy our children want is easy, to fight the currents of commercialization takes greater resolve and courage.

7. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

7. Local media portrayed the election as part of the " intellectual competition " within the complex and said there were " fierce currents surging under the peaceful surface ".

8. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

8. It is the safest place to observe the ocean as waves and currents will not constrain the activities.

9. Data from the Argo robots is relayed to China via the French Argo satellite, providing a continuous measure of ocean change and the speed of various currents.

10. Below deck would be marine turbines to harness energy from underwater currents and around the edge floating devices to provide wave power.
