current price

current price [ˈkʌrənt prais]  [ˈkɚrənt praɪs] 

current price 基本解释

现价; 现有价格; 时价; 市价

current price 网络解释

1. 时价:(1) 基价(base year price)即固定价格(2) 时价(current price)第n年时价=Pb(1+c1)(1+c2)......(1+cn),包含相对价格和绝对价格的影响. (3) 实价(real price)第i年实价上涨率ri= -1,只反映相对价格变动因素的影响. 实价=时价/(1+通货膨胀率)

2. 现行价格 / 时价:spot price 现货价格 | current price 现行价格 / 时价 | indicative price 参考价格

3. 时价,现价:original price 原价 | current price 时价,现价 | prevailing price 现价

4. 现行价:5. market price 市场价 | 6. current price 现行价 | 7. floor price 底价

current price 单语例句

1. current price的近义词

1. Analysts said the speculative buying of oil is the major force behind the current oil price spurt and it will not last very long.

2. BEIJING - Universities and colleges in Beijing have received order to maintain current prices, varieties and qualities of canteen food amid food price hikes on the market.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. The bank set a price target 17 per cent below the current price.

4. Some said Huang was charging too much, but others said the product was worth the price amid the current scandal.

5. And the current high oil price will fend off speculation because investors are crystal clear the high price is always accompanied by extra risk.

6. A lagging span is the most recent closing price plotted 26 days behind the current level.

7. The upper limit is being raised from the current 200 percent of issue price or the last closing price to 900 percent.

8. The current trend in 2009 is more stable and suggests higher prices in 2010 and a low probability of a sudden collapse in price.

9. current price的解释

9. The combined offer will help Ping An raise as much as 150 billion yuan, based on Ping An's current market price.

10. China's current resource tax is levied based on production volume instead of sales value, thus preventing the government from benefiting from energy and commodity price increases.
