cup of tea

cup of tea [kʌp ɔv ti:]  [kʌp ʌv ti] 

cup of tea 基本解释
cup of tea 网络解释

cup of tea

1. 喜欢而又会做之事:cry wolf 狼来了;发出假警报 | cup of tea 喜欢而又会做之事 | cut corners 超近路;以简捷方式做事

2. 心爱之物,喜欢的事:28.Crocodile tears 鳄鱼的眼泪,假悲伤 | 29.Cup of tea 心爱之物,喜欢的事 | 30.Dark horse 黑马,爆冷门的运动员

3. 喜爱之物:--Eye for eye 以牙还牙 | --Cup of tea 喜爱之物 | --Face the music 面对现状

4. 喜爱的人:cunt 阴道 | cup of tea 喜爱的人 | cup tie 优胜杯决赛

cup of tea 单语例句

1. Maybe you'll like it, but that's certainly not my cup of tea.

2. Coupled with a cup of warm ginger tea or traditional Chinese rice wine, the crabmeat will dazzle and impress any palate.

3. Organizer Suzy Miller said the event would aim to focus on the positive, starting with a warming cup of tea and a chunk of homemade cake.

4. cup of tea的反义词

4. Maybe you'd like a cup of coffee or tea or something like that?

5. Zhang said his role in Assembly was like strong liquor, while Cold Flame is more like a cup of green tea in the morning.

6. In this cozy chamber similar to a typical living room in Tibetan houses, couples can rest on couches and talk over a cup of tea.

7. cup of tea的意思

7. The tea is first of all poured into a small porcelain cylinder which then has a cup placed over it the top upside down.

8. If our rock cakes were too much like their name, she taught us to dunk them in a hot cup of tea to soften them.

9. When he was a student at Peking University he majored in nuclear physics, but then decided that economics was more his cup of tea.

10. After that comes a chance to warm the soul with a cup of herbal tea, before settling down for the main course - a full body massage.

cup of tea 英英释义


1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. an activity that you like or at which you are superior

    e.g. chemistry is not my cup of tea
           his bag now is learning to play golf
           marriage was scarcely his dish

    Synonym: bag dish
