1. 杜鹃鸟:杜鹃鸟(Cuckoo)别名:子规、布谷鸟、杜宇. 身体黑灰色,尾巴有白色斑点,腹部有黑色横纹. 初夏时常昼夜不停地叫. 吃毛
1. 杜鹃(鸟);布谷鸟
A cuckoo is a bird that has a call of two quick notes, and lays its eggs in other birds' nests.
1. An adaptation of the Polish folk song Cuckoo was very well received.
2. A cuckoo sang on hurriedly, while another unknown bird echoed in a languid tune.
3. Barbara Warden escaped her home with only three boxes of photographs and her grandfather's cuckoo clock.
1. any of numerous European and North American birds having pointed wings and a long tail
2. cuckoo是什么意思
2. a man who is a stupid incompetent fool
1. cuckoo是什么意思
1. repeat monotonously, like a cuckoo repeats his call