
crying [ˈkraɪɪŋ]  [ˈkraɪɪŋ] 






crying 基本解释

形容词(尤指坏事)极糟糕的; (表示愤怒或失望)哎呀; (用于强调)极其糟糕; 迫切的需要

动词哭( cry的现在分词 ); 喊,叫; 叫卖,大声报道,哭着说; 鸣

crying 网络解释


1. 哭泣:卓越网心理学报价是从卓越网网站同步或自动搜索过来的(未经人工编辑),仅为方便您查询报价和做好购物选择. 您在交易时,请以卓越网网站上的哭泣(Crying)报价为准. 此外,智购网为您找到总计1条哭泣(Crying)类似报价,详情链接如下:

2. 泣:是我们由书本、戏剧、影片中所得到的基本欢愉. 让<<泰坦尼克号>>登上历史上最卖座影片宝座的青少年观众非常明白眼泪和欢愉之间的关系. 记者戴德利,杜兰(Deirdre Dolan)访问曾看本片10次以上㊣哭泣(Crying)的出价/购买记录

3. 有人怨天尤人經常:> 還看你今怎樣planning? | > 有人怨天尤人經常crying, | > 有人餐搵餐食掛住shopping,

crying 词典解释

1. 迫切的需要
    If you say that there is a crying need for something, you mean that there is a very great need for it.

    e.g. There is a crying need for more magistrates from the ethnic minority communities.

2. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

2. 让人不安的事;使人烦恼的事;奇耻大辱
    You can say that something is a crying shame if you are annoyed and upset about it.

    e.g. It's a crying shame that police have to put up with these mindless attacks.

3. see also: cry

crying 单语例句

1. crying是什么意思

1. " I am helping you, " a man dressed in camouflage told a crying girl.

2. crying的解释

2. And then poor Carol started crying - from laughing so hard, that is.


3. She brought two cassette tapes of people crying back from the funeral and asked her children to practice every ten days.

4. crying是什么意思

4. With such nonstop bombing of Gadhafi's compound, the NATO commanders were crying it would be checkmate soon.

5. The Chinese art market is the latest one to have joined the domestic chorus crying wolf about hot money.

6. crying的反义词

6. The area was an eery corner of silence within the clamor of crying babies and toddlers running naked in the mud.

7. She was found crying about a kilometre from home by a sanitation worker and taken to police.

8. crying的解释

8. One said the hospital was a scene of chaos and commotion, with injured arriving drenched in blood and people crying and moaning.

9. After the adult cat was seen crying near a wall for days, a resident showed up and saw several kittens were trapped in the sewer's tunnel.

10. It also found that 75 percent admitted to crying over a woman while 57 percent of men cook at home and enjoy doing it.
