
crossover [ˈkrɒsəʊvə(r)]  [ˈkrɔ:soʊvə(r)] 



crossover 基本解释


名词天桥; [生](杂色体的)杂交,交换; [铁路]岔道,转线路; <英>(交搭胸前的)女围巾

crossover 网络解释


1. 分音器:一般用家常接触到的电容电感及电阻组合,要说是喇叭(Speaker)的分音器(Crossover). 在分音器的线路里,还可找到体积交大的电感线圈,现今的器材体积渐细,所以体积较大的电感线圈就被集成电所取代,再加上电容器及电阻器组合而成.

2. 分频器:同时,Reference系列采用之电脑分频器(Crossover)令音讯振幅及相位表现(Phase behaviour)最佳化,将音频平伏流畅地互相融合. 其电路板经过吸收震波处理,可避免音箱振动及稳定音箱内部所产生之声压,而多层式电路板架构亦解决了分音器各部份互相干扰的问题.

3. 交叉(线):自己动手制作直连线(StraightOver)和交叉线(CrossOver),并用监测仪检测验证是否全部连接正常. 1.直连线(StraightOver)的制作步骤:2.交叉线(CrossOver)的制作步骤:

crossover 词典解释

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. (尤指音乐或时尚风格上的)混合,融合
    A crossover of one style and another, especially in music or fashion, is a combination of the two different styles.

    e.g. ...the contemporary crossover of pop, jazz and funk.
    e.g. crossover bands.

2. crossover

2. (在音乐或时尚上的)转型,改变风格
    In music or fashion, if someone makes a crossover from one style to another, they become successful outside the style they were originally known for.

    e.g. I told her the crossover from actress to singer is easier than singer to actress.

crossover 单语例句

1. The collection uses the idea of crossover fur, cashmere and leather to warm up a boring winter.

2. Experts said the appearance of the eggs has been influenced by genetic crossover, between the hen and the wild cock.

3. crossover是什么意思

3. The show also displays his perspectives on crossover art projects with commercial fashion labels.

4. crossover的意思

4. There is usually some crossover among nominees for the Spirits and Oscars, but little common ground among the winners because the Oscars generally favor big studio films.


5. Koi has been instrumental in spearheading the Cooper brand launch through the utilization of crossover promotional ideas with such industries as entertainment.

6. crossover的解释

6. This mouthwatering cultural crossover comes to pass courtesy of a special exhibition which marks a first of its kind.

7. The Croatian pianist was born in 1975 and plays classical crossover music.

8. If it's as good as the GMC Acadia crossover, they might have a serious product here.

9. They were not too confident about crossover music at the start, but the success of their releases has proved it is a winning formula.

10. He says that it was then that he gained " an appreciation for melody and making music that can crossover many different languages ".

crossover 英英释义


1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. a path (often marked) where something (as a street or railroad) can be crossed to get from one side to the other

    Synonym: crossing crosswalk

2. the appropriation of a new style (especially in popular music) by combining elements of different genres in order to appeal to a wider audience

    e.g. a jazz-classical crossover album

3. a voter who is registered as a member of one political party but who votes in the primary of another party

    Synonym: crossover voter

4. the interchange of sections between pairing homologous chromosomes during the prophase of meiosis

    Synonym: crossing over
