
crossed [krɒst]  [krɒst] 









crossed 基本解释


动词穿过; 交叉( cross的过去式和过去分词 ); 使交叉; 使杂交

crossed 网络解释


1. 交叉的:cross cylinder 十字筒 | crossed 交叉的 | crossed lens 最小球差透镜

2. 十字的, 划掉的, 交叉的:visual comparison 视觉比较 | crossed 十字的, 划掉的, 交叉的 | complex modulation 复合调制

3. 十字的:crosse 长曲棍球棒 | crossed 十字的 | crossette 门耳

crossed 单语例句

1. A large convoy of about 250 armored vehicles carrying Gadhafi's loyalists has crossed into neighboring Niger on Tuesday.

2. Dennis had grown to a Category 4 storm with 150 mph sustained wind early Friday, but it weakened when it crossed Cuba.

3. The only thing Wu and the other catfish breeders can do is keep their fingers crossed.

4. But a national census conducted in 2000 concluded that China had already crossed into the phase of a rapidly graying nation.

5. Liu said one of the buses crossed the center line and thus hit the bus coming from the opposite direction.

6. South Korean soldiers rattled off 40 warning shots at the five troops who crossed the center line of the Demilitarized Zone.

7. Ethiopian troops crossed over to Somalia in late 2006 to assist Somali transitional government topple an Islamist administration in south and central Somalia.

8. crossed的反义词

8. Nani charged down the left flank and crossed to the onrushing Rooney, who clipped the ball past Abbiati.

9. Police said some 200 militants crossed over into Pakistan from Afghanistan, and went after a checkpoint manned by police and paramilitary troops.

10. crossed的解释

10. The fuming star was also shown clenching his teeth and muttering expletives as he stood with his arms crossed tightly across his chest.

crossed 英英释义


1. placed crosswise

    e.g. spoken with a straight face but crossed fingers
           crossed forks
           seated with arms across

2. crossed的意思

2. (of a check) marked for deposit only as indicated by having two lines drawn across it
