1. 杂交:图1 不同小鼠品系间杂交(crossbreeding)可供研究基因(蛋白质)之间的相互作用以及心脏病的基因治疗. 例如在探讨基因治疗心力衰竭方面,品系间杂交方法可以研究一种提高心肌收缩性的基因干预能否纠正某一种基因干预所引起的心肌病和心力衰竭(略)3.1 动脉粥样硬化的机制和模型 动脉粥样硬化的病因涉及多种基因和环境因素,
2. 杂交育种:crossbreed 杂交种 | crossbreeding 杂交育种 | crossing over 交换
3. 杂交育种,杂交繁殖:crossbred 杂种 | crossbreeding 杂交育种,杂交繁殖 | crossing over 互换,交换
4. 杂种:crossbones 骷髅图形 | crossbreeding 杂种 | crow 乌鸦
1. The gene can be used either through genetic engineering or traditional crossbreeding aided with molecular marker seeding technology for developing new varieties.
2. The fate of the isolated species now rests entirely in a crossbreeding program with the closely related Idaho pygmy rabbit.
3. But crossbreeding has led to the decline of Apis cerana, that largely exists now only in Sichuan province's Aba Tibetan and Qiang autonomous prefecture.
4. crossbreeding的解释
4. Through growing and crossbreeding these varieties, scientists are able to select and breed the most effective ones.
1. reproduction by parents of different races (especially by white and non-white persons)
Synonym: miscegenation interbreeding
2. (genetics) the act of mixing different species or varieties of animals or plants and thus to produce hybrids
Synonym: hybridization hybridisation crossing cross interbreeding hybridizing