cross section

cross section [krɔs ˈsekʃən]  [krɔs ˈsɛkʃən] 

cross section 基本解释

cross section是什么意思

名词横截面; 横断面; 横剖面; 横切面

cross section 网络解释

cross section的翻译

1. 横截面:面板数据从横截面(cross section)上看,是由若干个体(entity,unit,individual)在某一时刻构成的截面观...所谓面板数据(panel data)是指由变量Y关于N个不同对象的.五个观测期所得到二维结构数据,记为Yit,...对中国对东道国直接投资影响的显著性及影响程度.

2. 截面:在侧视图中显示的是当前连接段和其子连接段的情况,在这个右边有一组参数,先看下面有两个按钮,左边是控制隆起角(Bulge Angle)参数的,右边是控制横截面(Cross Section)参数的.

3. 横切面:横切面(cross section)是与树干长轴相垂直的切面,亦称端面或横截面. 在这个切面上,可以见到木材的生长轮 、心材和边材、早材和晚材、木射线、薄壁组织、管孔(或管胞),胞间道等,是木材识别的重要切面.

4. 横断面:由上述可知,一般化的极端值分配为:前述之极端风险值模型在统计估计上,虽有相当不错之估计能力,然而所使用之资料乃建立在横断面(Cross Section)的基础上,所需的资料较多,必须有大量的资料来模拟,此也为极端风险值模型的一个缺点,

cross section 单语例句

1. The one with a chrysanthemum pattern on the cross section and golden yellow in color is the best.

2. The One Way Street Library has long attracted a cross section of Beijing's literary youth.

3. China's railway tunnels have a cross section of 100 square meters, but in Japan the railway tunnels have a cross section of 64 square meters.

4. The guests are supposed to represent a cross section of UK society.


5. The firm's members represent a cross section of a wide range of backgrounds.

cross section 英英释义


1. cross section

1. (physics) the probability that a particular interaction (as capture or ionization) will take place between particles
    measured in barns

2. a sample meant to be representative of a whole population

3. a section created by a plane cutting a solid perpendicular to its longest axis
