
crisis [ˈkraɪsɪs]  [ˈkraɪsɪs] 


crisis 基本解释

名词危机; 危难时刻; 决定性时刻,紧要关头; 转折点

crisis 相关例句



1. The patient has passed the crisis.

2. Something told him that this was a crisis in their lives.

3. The economic crisis lasted for several years.

crisis 网络解释

1. 危象:同时进行与胃癌手术治疗时相同的根治手术.无论采取哪一种手术,都必须对肝脏进行探查,一旦发现肝内有转移时,应视其情况同时将肝转移灶切除或肝叶切除,以提高手术疗效并防止或减少类癌危象(Crisis)发生十分重要.对不能进行上述手术者,

2. 骤降:体温下降有两种方式: (1)骤降(crisis):指体温于数小时内迅速下降至正常,有时可略低于正常,常伴有 大汗淋漓. 常见于疟疾、急性肾盂肾炎、大叶性肺炎及输液反应等. (2)渐降(1ysis):指体温在数天内逐渐降至正常,如伤寒、风湿热等.

3. 圣战:suicide bombing自杀性袭击事件, | dispute, crisis,coflict, holy war圣战 | administration , regime, claim responsibility for...声称负责

crisis 词典解释

1. 危机;危急关头
    A crisis is a situation in which something or someone is affected by one or more very serious problems.

    e.g. Natural disasters have obviously contributed to the continent's economic crisis...
    e.g. The Italian political system has been judged to be in terminal crisis for decades.

crisis 单语例句

1. crisis什么意思

1. All major Asian stock markets in the region tumbled across the board, succumbing to heightened fears of a broader global financial crisis.

2. The global crisis is not only posing a new challenge to China's general business, but also one to its overall practices in labor relations.

3. In recent months, the global financial crisis and economic slowdown have curbed business travel.


4. But economists at Goldman Sachs suggest that the slowdown will be greater than during the Asian financial crisis or the 2001 dotcom bust.

5. The global financial crisis has only had a slight impact on the Japanese financial sector, and none of the country's financial institutions has gone bust.


6. Now is the time to act - when the global financial crisis has reduced the likes of GM and Chrysler to bankruptcy.

7. Once the Chinese government decides firmly to act in the face of a looming crisis, it does and does so successfully.


8. And the European debt crisis is widely seen as an opportunity to buy up assets in the developed region.

9. crisis的反义词

9. But analysts said the measures were merely palliative, buying time for Europe to come up with more concrete measures to quell the crisis.

10. Hadi called on all political parties to abide by democracy as a means to move Yemen out of its crisis.

crisis 英英释义


1. crisis的解释

1. a crucial stage or turning point in the course of something

    e.g. after the crisis the patient either dies or gets better

2. crisis

2. an unstable situation of extreme danger or difficulty

    e.g. they went bankrupt during the economic crisis
