
credo [ˈkri:dəʊ]  [ˈkri:doʊ]


credo 基本解释



credo 网络解释


1. <<信经曲>:它至迟自15世纪开始便一直是宗教音乐创作的中心,并作为组曲被谱成多声部乐曲. 这便是<<慈悲经>>(Kyrie)、<<荣耀经>>(Gloria)、<<信经曲>>(Credo)、<<圣哉经及祝福歌>>(Sanctus mitBenedictus)和<<羔羊经>>(Agnus Dei)--它们构成

credo 词典解释

1. 信条;教义
    A credo is a set of beliefs, principles, or opinions that strongly influence the way a person lives or works.

    e.g. Lord Clarendon's liberal credo was one of the foundations of his political conduct.

credo 单语例句

1. " Feel passengers, serve passengers " has been our credo for decades.

2. Company chairman Howard Schultz said the fund reflected the Starbucks credo of making money while undertaking socially responsible projects in target markets.

3. It was while working with Leonard Bernstein that Frantz adopted Bernstein's credo " Let's make music as friends " as his own motto and inspiration.

4. credo的解释

4. It is led by Carmen and her sibling Matilde Rubio and their credo is to protect and develop the Spanish music genre of flamenco.

5. An unconfirmed source added that Chen Xiaoxu had been following the Buddhist life credo for seven years.

6. credo在线翻译

6. An unconfirmed source adds that Chen Xiaoxu has been following the Buddhist life credo for seven years.

7. Its credo is to develop the whole person and provide a background in Chinese culture, with an international perspective.

8. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

8. The bigger and more luxurious the better seems to be the credo.

9. This was Rabin's credo, and is still applicable in their pursuit of peace.

credo 英英释义


1. credo的反义词

1. any system of principles or beliefs

    Synonym: creed
