1. We'll just have to crawfish out of shaking hands with them.
1. 小龙虾:小龙虾(crawfish)是卡真地区的传统菜肴,将小龙虾与番茄、洋葱和玉米放在一个大锅里用沸水煮熟,再加上些柠檬、月桂、芥末和辣椒. 煮出来的效果你可以看看的图片,再粘些辣酱什么的,也算是美味啊!这种烹饪法,在对付蟹和其他海鲜时照样管用!
2. 斗式皮带输送机:crate 板条箱 | crawfish 斗式皮带输送机 | crawl space 匍匐空间<地下狭小低矮空间
3. 小龙虾, 即:Octopus 章鱼,八爪鱼. | Crawfish 小龙虾, 即Crayfish | Lobster 龙虾.
4. 退缩者:craw 嗉子 | crawfish 退缩者 | crawfishcrayfish 小龙虾
1. crawfish是什么意思
1. 淡水螯虾
A crawfish is a small shellfish with five pairs of legs which lives in rivers and streams. You can eat some types of crawfish.
1. Let's take a look at some of the most popular crawfish restaurants.
2. Now the crawfish rage has hit Shanghai where spicy, delicious and fresh crawfish are being eaten all over town.
3. crawfish的反义词
3. The crawfish at this busy restaurant are spicy and the more you eat, the hotter you'll get.
4. Beijing has recovered from the recent craze for spicy crawfish - one of the city's most famous dishes.
5. If you are a hot food lover, try the very spicy crawfish and you won't be disappointed.
6. There are outdoor tables in summer - a relaxed way to enjoy crawfish.
7. Ten crawfish were used in the promotional event for the aquarium on Wednesday.
8. Crawfish are currently out of season, so he is using smoked trout.
9. Diners like to eat crawfish with their hands, so don't be afraid to discard your chopsticks.
1. large edible marine crustacean having a spiny carapace but lacking the large pincers of true lobsters
Synonym: spiny lobster langouste rock lobster crayfish sea crawfish
2. small freshwater decapod crustacean that resembles a lobster
Synonym: crayfish crawdad crawdaddy
3. crawfish的反义词
3. tiny lobster-like crustaceans usually boiled briefly
1. crawfish的反义词
1. make a retreat from an earlier commitment or activity
e.g. We'll have to crawfish out from meeting with him
He backed out of his earlier promise
The aggressive investment company pulled in its horns
Synonym: retreat pull back back out back away crawfish out pull in one's horns withdraw