
crate [kreɪt]  [kret] 








crate 基本解释

名词板条箱,柳条箱; 装货箱; 一箱(之量); (俚)破旧的汽车(飞机)


crate 网络解释


1. 板条箱:3.板条箱(crate)总长不得超过(exceed)4 英尺. 5.我们会将你们对包装的意见(comments)及时(duly)转告有关厂商供他们考虑. 6.我们相信你们对分四批(lots)装运货物不会有困难. 7.我们能尽力做到的是五月装船,因为厂商手头(on hand)有大量积压订单.

2. 柳条箱:亚当先往右走到下一个画面,不久会有人来向亚当兜售鹦鹉,亚当把鸟儿买下并放生,然后爬上大箱,推柳条箱(Crate). 再偷听大箱后面两人的谈话,然后往左面的画面再返回机场,亚当见到一位游客扔垃圾,便劝游客把地上废纸捡起来.

3. 机箱:A 大容量硬盘硬盘(Hard Disk)自适应英特尔10/100M网卡(NIC)低功耗 300W 标准服务专用电源电源(Power)标准1U服务器品牌机箱机箱(Crate)中国电信湛江机房10M独享网络带宽(不与任何服务器分享)带宽(Bandwidth)1个IP地址(免费),

4. 木箱:TIM发现有一个木箱(CRATE)和一个木桶(BARREL),但是没有合适的工具打开它们,而且上不去了. 还好在酒桶下找到了棱型垫脚木(WOODEN PRIS

crate 词典解释

1. (运输或储藏物品的)板条箱,大木箱
    A crate is a large box used for transporting or storing things.

    e.g. ...a pile of wooden crates...
    e.g. A crane was already unloading crates and pallets.

2. 把…装进木箱(或板条箱)
    If something is crated, it is packed in a crate so that it can be transported or stored somewhere safely.

    e.g. The much repaired plane was crated for the return journey.

3. (运送瓶子用的)塑料分格箱,金属分隔箱
    A crate is a plastic or wire box divided into sections which is used for carrying bottles.

crate 单语例句

1. crate的翻译

1. Those criticisms intensified when a New York shipping clerk packed himself in a crate and flew undetected to his parents'home in Dallas.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. The crate will remain in cold storage and each of the 11 bottles will be carefully assessed and conserved over the next few weeks.

3. His site offers instructions on how to build a miniature PC in a beer crate.

4. Though the crate was frozen solid when it was retrieved earlier this year, the whisky inside could be heard sloshing around in the bottles.

5. Hua Mei's keepers are preparing her for the trip by exposing her to the large crate that will hold her during the flight to China.

6. One man took a big sack of sugar and another left on a motorized rickshaw with a crate of drinking water.

7. A green crate used to transport Ling Ling is also among the exhibits, with Chinese characters reading " from the People's Republic of China " on it.

8. At the same day, 27 kg of heroin was discovered in a cargo crate sent from Pakistan.

9. Harvey says the mother cat and other kittens found in the crate were dead.

10. crate在线翻译

10. Each worker is taking home more pay but the wage bill for each crate of goods sold has been flat or falling.

crate 英英释义



1. a rugged box (usually made of wood)
    used for shipping

2. the quantity contained in a crate

    Synonym: crateful


1. put into a crate
    as for protection

    e.g. crate the paintings before shipping them to the museum
