
crashing ['kræʃɪŋ]  ['kræʃɪŋ] 







crashing 基本解释


动词(使)猛撞, (使)撞毁( crash的现在分词 ); 撞坏; 猛冲直撞; 发出巨响

crashing 网络解释

1. 赶工:在任务赶工(Crashing)时,你会集中于:最终输出是用WBS中的工作包(work packages)来说明的. B、最终输出被描述为可交付成果或有形产品. C、最终活动被描述为活动或行动步骤. D、分解在范围定义中的用途与在活动定义中的用途完全相同. 19.三种主要的图示法(diagramming methods)是:45.帕累托图(PARETO Charts)有助于项目经理:

2. 绝对的:crasher 猛击 | crashing 绝对的 | crashworthiness 防撞性

3. 粉碎:crank 曲柄,手柄 | crashing 粉碎 | crawler 履带式推土机

4. 绝对的/彻底的/非凡的:crash-land /(使)紧急降落/ | crashing /绝对的/彻底的/非凡的/ | crasiology /气质论/

crashing 单语例句

1. crashing的翻译

1. A window pane which fell several storeys was still intact after crashing onto the head of a butcher working below.

2. There is a constant risk of American intelligence collection activity crashing into China's insistence on the right to deny such activity.

3. Their concerns became reality when contact on Turn 2 sent cars flying through the air, crashing into each other and into the outside wall and catch fence.

4. The storm drew onlookers hoping to catch a glimpse of crashing waves as it marched through Atlantic Canada.

5. crashing的翻译

5. Isinbayeva left the championships perplexed after unexpectedly crashing out of a second consecutive global championship without a medal.

6. Team boss Ron Dennis justified it as normal strategy at a circuit where overtaking is extremely difficult and there is a constant risk of crashing.

7. Rocks weighing 20 tonnes or more had come crashing down into homes, and they were impossible to remove by hand.

8. crashing的翻译

8. " The populations are crashing dramatically, " the project's Melanie Virtue said.

9. crashing的近义词

9. Millions were left homeless a day after the biggest quake in four decades sent tidal waves crashing into nine countries and as far as Africa.

10. The water crashing down below creates a huge roar and the sound reverberates among the trees making it sound even bigger.
