1. 粉碎机:crash 粗布 | crasher 粉碎机 | Crataegus pinnatifida beverage 山楂饮品
2. 猛击:crash-land 紧急降落 | crasher 猛击 | crashing 绝对的
3. 猛击者(多了才能猛):Gimp--装饰用的辫带(糊涂ING) | Crasher--猛击者(多了才能猛) | Slasher--断木机(其实只能炸树不能砍树)
4. 不速之客:smasher 使用伪币者,收买赃物的人,善于扣球的人 | crasher 不速之客 | gate-crasher 擅自闯入者
1. Rappaport also quipped that she hoped Vaughn wouldn't mind having an extra wedding crasher at his nuptials.
2. A jobless wedding crasher was captured after he sat for the banquet and then tried to steal a guest's bag.
1. someone who gets in (to a party) without an invitation or without paying
Synonym: gatecrasher unwelcome guest