
craggy [krægi]  [ˈkræɡi] 

craggy 基本解释

形容词嶙峋; 陡峭的,崎岖的,多岩石的

craggy 网络解释


1. 多峭壁的:cragginess 嵯峨 | craggy 多峭壁的 | crake 秧鸡

2. 陡峭的:coulee 深谷,熔岩流 | craggy 陡峭的 | crater 坑

3. 暴噪的:craggedcraggy 峭壁多的 | craggy 暴噪的 | cragsman 爬岩名手

4. 多峭壁的, 崎岖的:cragginess || 嵯峨, 崎岖 | craggy || 多峭壁的, 崎岖的 | cragsman || 善于攀登危岩和峭壁者, 攀岩者

craggy 词典解释

1. craggy的反义词

1. 多峭壁的;陡峭的
    A craggy cliff or mountain is steep and rocky.

    e.g. ...tiny villages on craggy cliffs.

2. (脸)轮廓分明皱纹明显的
    A craggy face has large features and deep lines.

    e.g. He's a very small man with a lined, craggy face.

craggy 单语例句

1. Its craggy rock faces, hanging mists and clustered pines are a distinctly Chinese landscape.

2. Clouds gathered around the craggy, barren mountain slopes and then seemed to melt away.

3. It involved building tunnels in the craggy mountains and reinforcing the loose, sandy earth to support tracks and trains on the loess plateau.

4. The village that sits against the foot of the craggy mountains has been reduced to a mess of yellow slush and debris.

5. Some 135 km of the line will cut through the craggy region, requiring the boring of 127 km of tunnels.

craggy 英英释义


1. craggy什么意思

1. having hills and crags

    e.g. hilly terrain

    Synonym: cragged hilly mountainous
