1. The fugitive lived in a cave in the mountain crag for several years.
1. 小的主要是短路线的攀岩地点:Crack 裂缝. | Crag 小的主要是短路线的攀岩地点. | Crampons 冰爪.
2. 峭壁:crafty 狡诈的 | crag 峭壁 | crag-fast 进退两难的
3. 悬崖峭壁:craftsmanship 工艺工人技能 | crag 悬崖峭壁 | craleyfloat 救生浮具
4. 岩壁:crack 裂隙 | crag 岩壁 | cramp 惊厥
1. 悬崖;峭壁;绝壁
A crag is a steep rocky cliff or part of a mountain.
1. The buildings of South Crag break free from the traditional layout to create a pattern of architecture more in harmony with the environment.
2. 911查询·英语单词
2. Zhangshiyan Crag scenic area lies in Zanhuang County, the middle part of the Taihang Mountains.
3. The South Crag is named after the fact that it faces the south.