1. The dog cowered under the table when his master raised the whip.
1. 畏缩:在每天只能收到2个畏缩(cower)行动脸色的限定下,倘使你仍能收到40个这种脸色,这将表示出你创设可怕的才干指环王online免费是何等的出众,同时你将获取这个称呼.
2. 你怕得一直發抖:cough 你不停地咳嗽. | cower 你怕得一直发抖. | cringe 你害怕得发抖.
3. (退缩):/cough (咳嗽) | /cower (退缩) | /crack (响指)
4. (胆怯):/Cough (咳嗽) | /Cower (胆怯) | /Crack (响指)
1. (因恐惧而)蜷缩,畏缩
If you cower, you bend forward and downwards because you are very frightened.
e.g. The hostages cowered in their seats.
1. " He will not cower in the face of brutal murder and neither will we, " said Bush.
2. Local residents in troubled neighborhoods spoke of their fear, saying they were running out of supplies and could do little but cower at home.