1. 妓女:courteously 有礼貌地 | courtesan 妓女 | courtesy 谦恭
2. 高级妓女:amazon 高大强壮的女人 | courtesan 高级妓女 | harridan 老凶婆
3. 交際花, 高級妓女:bigamist 重婚者 | courtesan 交际花(高级妓女) | yes-man 唯唯诺诺的人
4. 名妓:heroino 海洛因 heroin | hetayro 名妓 courtesan | heti 加热 to heat
1. (旧时伺候富人和有权势之人的)高级妓女
In former times, a courtesan was a woman who had sexual relationships with rich and powerful men for money.
1. courtesan的翻译
1. Wu Zetian rose from courtesan, loved three emperors along the way and was noted for her wise rule.
2. courtesan的解释
2. In spite of its name, the shop's decor is reminiscent more of a courtesan's decadent boudoir than a presidential suite.