
couples ['kʌplz]  ['kʌplz] 






couples 基本解释
夫妻;一对( couple的名词复数 );一双;一些;
couples 网络解释

1. 力偶:coupleryokekey钩尾销 | couples力偶 | couplet偶联体

2. <双双对对>:(4) John Updike 约翰.厄普代克 | Couples <<双双对对>> | Rabbit Run <<兔子,跑吧>>

couples 单语例句

1. couples

1. Experts believe it could transform family planning by allowing couples to share the responsibility for contraception - a role that traditionally falls to women.

2. Some married couples are overwhelmed by the crowds of " robbers " at their offices and are concerned that the lucky money tradition is turning sour.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. It is unpleasant to eat in a restaurant by yourself when surrounded by happy couples.

4. couples的反义词

4. For couples on their honeymoon, the resort offers a Cabana guest room.

5. New World shopping mall had organized the Creative Kissing Competition for couples to showcase their love on the calendar's most romantic day.

6. Hundreds of couples in Guangzhou each year flock to wed on the day, which in the lunar calender falls on December 21 or 22.

7. Zhang also called for drastic measures to curb the number of migrant couples who choose to have a second child after settling down.

8. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

8. School administrators said two of the couples'grades had suffered as a result, while the third couple reportedly snuck off campus for a whole night.

9. They tend to be operations with little capital investment and many are run by couples.

10. His most likely captaincy challengers are former major winners Fred Couples and Corey Pavin.
