
counting ['kaʊntɪŋ]  ['kaʊntɪŋ] 







counting 基本解释



动词(按顺序)数( count的现在分词); 有价值; 数出总数; 算得上

counting 网络解释


1. 數數:例如,年龄较大和年龄较小的孩子都能运用提取(retrieval)策略和数数(counting)策略来计算加法问题,但不同的是,年龄较大的孩子更多地运用了提取策略,特别是在困难的问题上.

2. 數一數:因为我要总结:象这样分一分,排一排,数一数的过程就是一种统计.所以要在黑板上板书:分一分(grouping),排一排(lining)和数一数(counting),不知是否贴切?

counting 词典解释

1. 包括…在内
    Not counting a particular thing means not including that thing. Counting a particular thing means including that thing.

    e.g. average operating profit of 15% to 16% of sales, not counting administrative expenses.

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

2. (数量)继续增长的
    If you say and counting after a number or an amount of something, you mean that the number or amount is continuing to increase.

    e.g. There is a 1,700-year-old tea tree still living in southern China which is more than 100 feet tall and counting.

counting 单语例句

1. There are some skills and abilities he has learned by chance, like counting floors from one to nine during his daily elevator rides.

2. That c ould spell another tough year for equipment vendors, which have been counting on an investment boom to take up some slack.

3. The plan specifically calls for recording the length of the service by counting the hours of actual service rendered.

4. The final results are expected to be unveiled as early as Monday at the Central Counting Station.

5. The main polling station and the central counting station are both located at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center.

6. During vote counting before President Bush clinched victory over Democratic challenger John Kerry, many Iraqis kept their television sets tuned to Ramadan religious programs.

7. counting的近义词

7. Having a pile of cash and counting it until the hands cramp would be considered a welcome chore for most.

8. The quahog clam was dredged from the waters in 2006 and its age assessed by counting the growth lines in the shell.

9. counting是什么意思

9. But comments by a conservative Iranian cleric hinted Tehran may be counting on divisions to avert sanctions.

10. counting是什么意思

10. This applies for a given time period, displayed as a type of clock counting down to zero.

counting 英英释义



1. the act of counting
    reciting numbers in ascending order

    e.g. the counting continued for several hours

    Synonym: count numeration enumeration reckoning tally
