
costing [ˈkɒstɪŋ]  [ˈkɔ:stɪŋ] 


costing 基本解释


名词成本核算; 成本计算


costing 网络解释


1. 成本:细分下去就是应收(AR),应付(AP),总帐(GL),成本(COSTING),出纳(Cashier). 并不是每个人都要往CFO发展,这个小的分支做好了,也可以一辈子舒舒服服不愁吃穿. 什么事情都可以有完成,很好的完成和完美的完成几个境界. 举例说就像是AR,

2. 成本法:成本法(Costing)市场法(Market Comparison)进行评估. 物业用途分别为办公,设备用房,仓储用途,多为自用,不产生租金收益,因此采用以上两种方法.

3. 成本计算:(七)成本计算(Costing) 成本计算既是成本会计的中心也是成本管理的基础,其重要地位毋庸置疑. 传统的成本计算包括以汇总、分配、再汇总的形式计算制造产品成本,也包括以标准成本为核心手段进行成本预算. 然而,

4. 成本核算:cost plus 成本加成 | costing 成本核算 | cottage industry 家庭工业

costing 词典解释

1. 成本估算
    A costing is an estimate of all the costs involved in a project or a business venture.

    e.g. We'll put together a proposal, including detailed costings, free of charge.

in AM, use 美国英语用 costs
costing 单语例句

1. costing的近义词

1. Bush's call for restoring manned flights to the Moon is estimated at costing US $ 12 billion over the next five years.

2. The disgruntled Spaniard then slammed the Hawkeye line calling system, accusing it of costing him the first set.

3. costing

3. The stadium project includes a grandstand that cost 400 million yuan and a youth center costing 200 million yuan.

4. Prices hit their peak in the weeks before and after Spring Festival, with Chilean cherries costing 80 yuan per kilogram.

5. They claim China's foreign exchange policy is costing America jobs and threaten to impose tough trade sanctions against Chinese imports.

6. Nice warm leather boots can be picked up for a mere 100 yuan, with a good thick winter coat costing maybe half that.

7. But now it has come up against the Spanish government in a diplomatic tussle that is costing the company millions of dollars in lost revenue.

8. The trip to the International Space Station is costing him $ 35 million.

9. costing是什么意思

9. These span from elaboration of precise functional specifications over target costing to a wide ranging integration of suppliers into own business processes.

10. The report said the trains operating on the line would have two more compartments with no standing space but with tickets costing twice as much.

costing 英英释义


1. costing的解释

1. cost accounting
