
copycat [ˈkɒpikæt]  [ˈkɑ:pikæt] 


copycat 基本解释


copycat 网络解释

1. 叠影谋杀案:曾出演过<<走投无路>>(NOWAYOUT)、<<世界未日>>(ARMAGEDDON)、<<邮差>>(THEPOSTMAN)等到影片的威尔.帕顿在本片中饰演保险公司主管克鲁兹. 在此之前,他与艾米尔曾经合作了<<叠影谋杀案>>(COPYCAT). 他说他之所以参加<<偷天陷阱>>的拍摄就是因为让.艾米尔,他非常

2. 复印机:复印机(Copycat)大家都知道它的功能,佳能、理光、东芝、夏普、柯尼卡美能达这些耳熟能详的品牌想必也知道. 它门辄几万元甚至十几万的价格些岂是SOHO一族们可以接受的. 别着急我们的答案会解除您心中的烦忧:

copycat 词典解释

1. 模仿犯罪的
    A copycat crime is committed by someone who is copying someone else.

    e.g. ...a series of copycat attacks by hooligan gangs.

2. 模仿者;好跟人学的人
    If you call someone a copycat, you are accusing them of copying your behaviour, dress, or ideas.

    e.g. The Beatles have copycats all over the world.

copycat 单语例句

1. When the idea is transplanted into China, our compatriot copycat liberals make this tradition a downright joke.

2. No one in their right mind wants this type of media content on the Web, where it can become a source of copycat violence.

3. Paul Kan also contends that he is not afraid of copycat products.

4. copycat的翻译

4. But other industry watchers believe such copycat or derivative trademarks have little influence on real luxury brands because they target different consumer groups.

5. Falling prices for real smartphones is putting such pressure on copycat cell phone makers that many are moving into China's tablet computer market.

6. The move was also seen as a warning to domestic TV stations competing for public attention with copycat shows that lacked creativity.

7. He has two iPod music players and showed great enthusiasm for Super Girl, an American Idol copycat that attracted millions of frenzied young people across China in 2005.

8. Chen says that copycat versions of new cases launched by TTAF can be found in the local market just a week after the original launch.

9. But the current popularity of the copycat culture under the name of shanzhai may turn out to be a disservice to that healthy trend.

10. Sunday evening saw an outbreak of copycat rioting in east and north London and some violence in the central shopping district of Oxford Street.

copycat 英英释义



1. someone who copies the words or behavior of another

    Synonym: imitator emulator ape aper
