
copier [ˈkɒpiə(r)]  [ˈkɑ:piə(r)] 


copier 基本解释


copier 词典解释

1. 复印机;影印机
    A copier is a machine which makes exact copies of writing or pictures on paper, usually by a photographic process.

2. 抄袭者
    A copier is someone who copies what someone else has done.

    e.g. ...their reputation as a copier of other countries' designs, patents, and inventions.

copier 单语例句

1. copier什么意思

1. Japanese camera and copier maker Canon launched seven digital image products in Shanghai yesterday.

2. While it is now primarily a user and copier of advanced technologies developed elsewhere, executives and experts said it could become a powerful incubator in its own right.

3. copier

3. After 20 years overseeing repairs at the Jingdezhen Ceramic Museum in Jiangxi, he is now director of the Jia Yang Ceramic Studio and a master copier.

copier 英英释义


1. apparatus that makes copies of typed, written or drawn material

    Synonym: duplicator
