cope with

cope with [kəup wið]  [kop wɪð] 

cope with 基本解释

cope with的解释

对付…; 支应

cope with 网络解释

1. 处理:人们现实生活中要处理(cope with)很多麻烦,所以当他们看到电影中的正面人物最终取胜受到了鼓舞. 中世纪欧洲的大学(university)里,那些攻读高学位的须生必须和在他那个领域里有很大研究成果的学者进行讨论. 这一传统现在保持下来,

2. 对付...,妥善处理:contribute to 有助于...,促成 | cope with 对付...,妥善处理 | correspond to 相当于;和...相符合

3. (成功地)应付,(妥善地)处理:cooperate with 合作,协作,相配合 | cope with (成功地)应付,(妥善地)处理 | deduce from 演绎,推断

4. 妥善处理:cope 对付 | cope with 妥善处理 | coping 应对

cope with 单语例句

1. China's securities brokers are profiting from robust trading and attracting more individual investors, but their trading systems are failing to cope with the huge volume of business.

2. Some small farms cannot cope with the new rules, and Big Food stands ready to buy them out.

3. Hung said he hoped the immunoglobulin could be harvested by next January, in order to cope with the winter peak of seasonal flu in February and March.

4. cope with是什么意思

4. To cope with last year's global economic crisis and depressed demand, all three rated port operators in Asia scaled back their capital expenditure and cut costs.

5. Standard & Poor's said on July 23 banks will need to raise more funds to cope with tighter capital requirements and loan growth.

6. cope with

6. China argues that inclusive development should enable every country to capitalize on development opportunities and cope with development challenges.

7. Xi called on the two countries to work together on reducing carbon dioxide emissions and actively cope with the climate change for sustainable development.

8. The beleaguered carrier has axed more staff, ground airplanes and slashed domestic capacity as it tries to cope with spiraling fuel prices.

9. It has been alleged the actress had been using drugs and alcohol to cope with her money problems and faltering love life.

10. It has been alleged the actress has been using drugs and alcohol to cope with her money problems and stuttering love life.

cope with 英英释义

cope with


1. cope with的反义词

1. satisfy or fulfill

    e.g. meet a need
           this job doesn't match my dreams

    Synonym: meet match
