
coordinates [kə'ʊɔ:dənəts]  [kə'ʊɔ:dənəts] 





coordinates 基本解释
相配之衣物;<数>坐标( coordinate的名词复数 );配套服装;女套服;同等重要的人;协调;使协调,使调和( coordinate的第三人称单数 );协同;成为同等;
coordinates 网络解释

1. 坐标系:它能够以任何角度进行旋转. GDI+中的两个特性使绘制过程变得简单:图形平移(graphics translations)和图形旋转(graphics rotations). 要将文字居中显示,只需转换坐标系(coordinates)使原点(origin)置于窗体的中间位置:

2. 坐标:主数据库(见图4-3)是一个扁平的数据库,由两个不同的数据结构组成,在图左边的第一个结构是单一连接列表,由单独的过孔(Vias)、元件(Components)、网络(Nets)、坐标(coordinates)、尺寸(Dimensions)、类(Classes)、规则(Ruls)、连接线(Fromtos)、和连接(Connections)组成,

3. 座标:天球座标 (coordinates) 天球的赤纬 (declination) 和赤经 (right ascension) 各自类比於地球的纬度 (latitude) 和经度 (longitude). 天极 (celestial poles) 天球南、北极位於地球南、北极的各正上方. 天球环绕南 北天极轴自转一周需时一天.

4. (坐标轴):.Swap(置换) | .Coordinates(坐标轴) | .Blend(融合)

coordinates 单语例句

1. The State Oceanic Administration on Saturday also released geographic coordinates of the Diaoyu Islands to help the public learn more about the territory.

2. A US army engineering unit was based outside Washington with plans of the building and GPS coordinates ready to dig through the rubble.

3. Choose a color that coordinates with your top, and keep in mind that dark colors are always more flattering.

4. coordinates什么意思

4. The Japanese national used a GPS receiver to collect information on 598 geographic coordinates in the name of sightseeing and conducting environmental inspection.

5. coordinates

5. Angelina Jolie has a new tattoo on her arm - the geographical map coordinates for the birthplaces of four her children.

6. coordinates

6. But unidentified experts were quoted as saying that coordinates, topography and geologic information of key areas and core facilities are still top secret.

7. coordinates在线翻译

7. Equipped with new global satellite based coordinates and offering up a quick prayer, he found the ring after an hour's search.

8. Then, the inventors gave each letter of the alphabet a set of digital coordinates.

9. " It is hard to understand a legit reason for this change of coordinates, " Style said.

10. The State Department coordinates US policy on Antarctica with NSF and other federal agencies.
