conveyance of title

conveyance of title

conveyance of title 双语例句

1. Similar: feat, effort, exploitsimilar: deed of conveyance, title
    以下是包含 deed 的词条列表,词条总数为:19

2. Deed of conveyance, title

3. A conveyance of title or property from one person to another.

conveyance of title什么意思

4. Also transferal Law A conveyance of title or property from one person to another.
    也作 transferal 将称号或财产从一个转到另一个

5. If a Purchaser shall make and insist on any objection or requisition either as to title conveyance or any matter appearing on the title deeds or particulars or conditions or otherwise the Vendor shall be unable or on the ground of difficulty or expenses or on any other reasonable ground unwilling to remove or comply with the Vendor shall notwithstanding any previous negotiation or litigation be at liberty on giving to the Purchaser not less than seven days` notice in writing to annul sale in which case unless the objection or requisition shall have been in the meantime withdraw the sale shall at the expiration of the notice be annulled the Purchaser being in that event entitled to a return of the deposit but without interest costs or compensation.

6. A right, privilege, or property that is considered incident to the principal property for purposes such as passage of title, conveyance, or inheritance.
