
converse [kənˈvɜ:s]  [kənˈvɜ:rs] 







converse 基本解释

不及物动词交谈,谈话; [计]对话,会话


名词逆向; 谈话,会谈; 相反的事物; [逻辑]逆命题

converse 相关例句



1. I hold the converse opinion.


1. I conversed with her on a certain problem.

2. He's willing to converse with anyone about the quotations on the stock market.

3. We conversed for hours on the phone.

converse 网络解释


1. 逆命题:证完后科林斯老师又要求大家将这个命题的逆命题 (Converse),反命题 (Inverse) 以及逆反命题 (Contrapositive),并且引述了很简单的形式逻辑. 总之,就我看来,课程的内容很简单,但是科林斯老师牵涉得很杂,

converse 词典解释
The verb is pronounced /kən'vɜːs/. The noun is pronounced /'kɒnvɜːs/. 动词读作 /kən'vɜːs/,名词读作 /'kɒnvɜːs/。

1. converse

1. (与…)交谈;(和…)说话
    If you converse with someone, you talk to them. You can also say that two people converse .

    e.g. Luke sat directly behind the pilot and conversed with him...
    e.g. They were conversing in German, their only common language.

2. converse的反义词

2. 相反的声明;相反的话;相反的言论
    The converse of a statement is its opposite or reverse.

    e.g. What you do for a living is critical to where you settle and how you live — and the converse is also true.

converse 单语例句

1. converse的反义词

1. You were actually something of a curiosity when you walked around the streets and sometimes people would come up and try and converse with you.

2. The official Converse store is representative of the company trying to diversify their line and capitalize on current trends.

3. converse的意思

3. " The Converse settlement and World Cup spending wasn't the whole story, " said Sara Hasan of McAdams Wright Ragen in Seattle.

4. But he likes Beijing the most as he can converse in standard Chinese with taxi drivers and ride a bicycle in hutong.

5. 911查询·英语单词

5. Together they will converse on the politics of creative pursuits, of the artists'rediscovery of body and space in their journeys.

6. Not only can I converse on the street or subway but I can hear what's being said around me.

7. converse是什么意思

7. I made them realize that my English is far from perfect and if it were possible I would love to converse in Chinese.

8. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

8. The couples hardly converse - the men are too busy entertaining their charges.

9. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

9. Though both customer and waitress are Chinese, they converse easily and comfortably in English.

10. They are barely on speaking terms, and only converse to talk about their children.

converse 英英释义



1. converse的近义词

1. a proposition obtained by conversion


1. carry on a conversation

    Synonym: discourse


1. turned about in order or relation

    e.g. transposed letters

    Synonym: reversed transposed

2. of words so related that one reverses the relation denoted by the other

    e.g. `parental' and `filial' are converse terms
