
controls [kən'trəʊls]  [kən'troʊls] 





controls 基本解释
控制( control的名词复数 );限制;管理权;控制键;控制( control的第三人称单数 );管理;克制;
controls 网络解释

1. 控制器:控制器(Controls)操作者用以将控制信息传递给机器的装置. 如车床上的开关、汽车上的驾驶盘、打字机上的键盘等等统称为控制器. 人的效应器官与控制器构成人机系统的人机界面. 操作者通过控制器对机器实行操纵,调整机器的工作状成,

2. 控件:在一页中加入需要的控 件(controls)和一般的对话框一样简 单,因为它本身就是一种对话 框. 打 开ResourceView 中 的Dialog,特性表的每一页都作为一个对话框列于其 中,只要对它们进行编 辑,再在程序中实现相应功能就可以 了. 现 在,

3. 控件集合:将一个窗体以模式状态显示,可以使用下面的语句:向窗体中添加一个按钮,我们需要创建一个Button对象并设置它的属性,然后将其添加到Form的控件集合(Controls)中.

controls 单语例句

1. He controls thousands of irregular troops accused by rights groups of abduction and murder.

2. An Islamic group that controls much of southern Somalia executed two girls by firing squad, and hundreds of residents of a town were forced to view the spectacle.

3. Premier Wen Jiabao told a meeting of the State Council - China's cabinet - on Wednesday that property price controls will be maintained.

4. controls的近义词

4. Since large capital inflows or outflows can have destabilizing effects on a nation's economy, many countries have controls in place to regulate capital account flows.

5. China has for a long time maintained strict capital account controls, and the authorities are cautious about capital account liberalization.

6. It will also continue to relax controls on the capital account to allow more outflows to reduce excessive domestic liquidity.

7. Since China still maintains capital account controls, it would be extremely difficult for the US to source renminbi in international currency markets.

8. controls是什么意思

8. Relatively looser credit controls next year will increase capital consumption among lenders.

9. Getting such funding is also part of a plan to end the controls on capital flows it imposed in 2008 to stabilize a tumbling currency.

10. One of the biggest challenges is how to make use of foreign capital when strict foreign exchange controls are in place.
