
contrition [kən'trɪʃn]  [kənˈtrɪʃən] 

contrition 基本解释


contrition 网络解释

1. 悔悟:contrite 后悔的 | contrition 悔悟 | contrivable 可发明的

2. 完全悔悟:contrite 悔悟了的 | contrition 完全悔悟 | contrivable 设计的

3. 悔恨:attrition 消磨,磨损 | contrition 悔恨 | auspicious 辛运的; 吉兆的

4. 悔罪,痛悔:advocate拥护;提倡;主张 | contrition 悔罪,痛悔 | wicked坏的;缺德的;邪恶的;顽皮的,淘气的

contrition 单语例句

1. Japan never come to a national consensus on how to view the war, and it has long had troubles convincing its former victims of its contrition.

2. But his theatrical contrition in begging forgiveness from his adoring fans seemed a bit much.

3. But the media did not pay much attention to those previous displays of contrition.

4. When the owner discovered the two did not have enough money, he demanded that they kneel for an hour as an act of contrition.

5. He apologized publicly on Monday, but his contrition failed to stem the firestorm.

6. Ren and Li said the verbal apology was not good enough and demanded a formal expression of contrition in a national media outlet.

7. True acknowledgement and contrition by all sides will pave the way to forgiveness, which is the key to healing the hearts and minds of all Thais.

contrition 英英释义



1. sorrow for sin arising from fear of damnation

    Synonym: attrition contriteness
