[法] 缔约国
1. 缔约国:缔约成本contracting cost | 缔约国 contracting states | 电缆cable
2. 成员国:a system of copyright protection 版权保护制度 | Contracting States 成员国 | Director-General 总干事
3. 缔约国; 加入国:contracting services;订约事务;; | contracting states;缔约国; 加入国;; | contractor;承包人;承包者[海洋法];定约人; 承包商;;
4. 缔约国/成员国:迷失方向 to be lost | 缔约国/成员国 Contracting States | 日内瓦 Geneva
1. The treaty requires contracting states to remove within a decade chemical weapons they left in other contracting states.
2. Contracting states can also extend the deadline by submitting a request by a year before the deadline under the treaty.
3. The PCT is an international pact that enables patent protection of an invention in each of a large number of its contracting states.
4. The Untied States'GDP is contracting at an almost unprecedented rate.