
contraceptive [ˌkɒntrəˈseptɪv]  [ˌkɑ:ntrəˈseptɪv] 


contraceptive 基本解释


名词避孕用具; [药]避孕剂


contraceptive 网络解释


1. 避孕药:须要进行局部或全身麻醉(anesthesia). 手术后须避免接触阳光以防新生肌肤受到紫外线的伤害. 黄褐斑是局部黑色素增加的成果,生长于女性的怀孕期及更年期,而服用避孕药(contraceptive)及接受荷尔蒙治疗(hormonal therapy)也会导致黄褐斑的出现.

2. 避孕剂:contra-angle porte-polisher 反角握柄磨光器 | contraceptive 避孕剂 | contraceptive device 避孕器

3. 避孕:contraception 避孕 | contraceptive 避孕 | contraclockwise 反时针方向的

4. 避孕药,避孕措施:diagnose诊断,测出 | contraceptive避孕药,避孕措施 | mortality死亡率

contraceptive 词典解释

1. contraceptive的解释

1. 避孕的;节育的
    A contraceptive method or device is a method or a device which a woman uses to prevent herself from becoming pregnant.

    e.g. ...a demand for a greater choice of effective contraceptive methods...
    e.g. It was at that time she started taking the contraceptive pill.

2. 避孕用具;避孕药物
    A contraceptive is a device or drug that prevents a woman from becoming pregnant.

    e.g. ...oral contraceptives...
    e.g. The service covers contraceptive advice and health checks, and is available free.

contraceptive 单语例句

1. To understand local married women's actual practice of contraceptive methods and reproduction health, the commission conducted a survey in June.

2. contraceptive的解释

2. Experts say that contraceptive education is necessary to avoid inmate pregnancies during conjugal visits.

3. The report also noted that another 25 million pregnancies occur because women's contraception methods fail or they use a contraceptive incorrectly.

4. About seven percent of Chinese that use contraception choose to use temporary forms of contraception, such as contraceptive pills and condoms.

5. The " mother " of the contraceptive pill is exercised about birthdays.

6. Shanghai women and doctors still hold misunderstanding about oral contraceptives, said medical experts after conducting the city's first survey on people's knowledge about contraceptive methods.

7. The emergency contraceptive is now largely available without a prescription at roadside drugstores in China, almost 50 years after it heralded women's sexual liberation in Western countries.

8. But he said the findings might not be projected to women using modern contraceptive pills, which may have a different risks than earlier products.

9. contraceptive的近义词

9. SSL group opened its first contraceptive factory in Qingdao in 1998 with an annual production capacity of 250 million pieces last year.

10. Li said each locality should provide migrant groups with access to free contraceptive services and reproductive health checks.

contraceptive 英英释义




1. an agent or device intended to prevent conception

    Synonym: preventive preventative contraceptive device prophylactic device birth control device


1. capable of preventing conception or impregnation

    e.g. contraceptive devices and medications

    Synonym: prophylactic antifertility
