
continuation [kənˌtɪnjuˈeɪʃn]  [kənˌtɪnjuˈeɪʃən] 


continuation 基本解释

名词继续,连续,持续; 延续,续篇,(线路等的)延长,延长部分; 连接短裤的帮腿; (报刊等的)续刊、增刊

continuation 相关例句



1. The continuation of the meeting was delayed until the next day.

2. The children hoped that the continuation of the serial would be more interesting.

3. Continuation follows.

4. Continuation of my work was difficult after I had been ill for six months.

continuation 网络解释

1. 继续:如果没有提供一个复合方法next,我们将需要定义一系列的命令方法,例如:初始化(initialization)、继续(continuation)、访问(access)和前进(advance),它们虽然清晰定义了每个动作,但是,客户代码过于复杂:线程的引入使这种不确定性大大增加.

2. 连续:我并没有从这本书从获得太多的帮助,对 Scheme 的基本概念也没有搞清楚,特别是连续(Continuation)之类的概念没有理解. 不过,收获还是有很多,我意识到 Scheme 是一个非常优美的 Lisp 变种,它继承了源自 Algol60 和早期 Lisp 两者的特点.

continuation 词典解释

1. 持续;继续;延续
    The continuation of something is the fact that it continues, rather than stopping.

    e.g. It's the coalition forces who are to blame for the continuation of the war...
    e.g. What we'll see in the future is, in fact, a continuation of that trend.

2. 续;延续部分
    Something that is a continuation of something else is closely connected with it or forms part of it.

    e.g. ...since this chapter is a continuation of Chapter 8...
    e.g. It would just be a continuation of previous visits he has made to Israel.

continuation 单语例句


1. This is undoubtedly conducive to enhancing mutual understanding as well as laying necessary ground for the continuation of the talks to unravel the current impasse.

2. The key feature for strong uptrend continuation is the confirmation of a support area with a successful retest of support.

3. continuation在线翻译

3. That victory signalled a perfect continuation from the previous year, when he produced some of the most consistent and spectacular golf of his career.

4. The tricky situation prompted top leaders to instruct the government to focus on national grain security and the continuation of boosting farmers'income next year.

5. The loud crushing queue was frantic at the window, other people trying to resell their continuation ticket as soon as they heard a destination.

6. continuation的意思

6. Both sides agreed on continuation of such bilateral interactions which shall enhance bilateral border coordination and reduce space for detractors.

7. A return to the usual demand and supply relationships restores the price activity to its previous behavior and a continuation of the upward trend.

8. This was a continuation of measures China rolled out during recent months highlighting its commitment to turn financial risk into a green recovery.

9. This time we saw some new faces among the elected NPC deputies, and continuation of the trend that the average age of deputies is getting younger.

10. These two volatility indicators also help to decide if any index retreat is consistent with a continuation of the new rising trend.

continuation 英英释义



1. the act of continuing an activity without interruption

    Synonym: continuance

2. the consequence of being lengthened in duration

    Synonym: lengthiness prolongation protraction

3. a Gestalt principle of organization holding that there is an innate tendency to perceive a line as continuing its established direction

    Synonym: good continuation law of continuation

4. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

4. a part added to a book or play that continues and extends it

    Synonym: sequel
