
constrained [kənˈstreɪnd] [kənˈstreind] 





constrained 基本解释



动词约束; 限制; 强迫( constrain的过去式和过去分词 ); 强使

constrained 网络解释

1. 约束:支持报告约束 (constrained) 属性的更改. 当更改了约束属性,并且向所有已注册的 VetoableChangeListener 发送相应的 PropertyChangeEvent 时可以调用此方法. 如果要显示组件,则将指定的区域添加到脏区 (dirty region) 列表.

2. 有约束的:constant 常数 | constrained 有约束的 | constraint 约束

3. 被强迫的:constrain 强迫 | constrained 被强迫的 | constrainedly 强制地

4. 抑制的:constrained residual 约束余量 | constrained 抑制的 | constrained-solution method 约束解方法

constrained 单语例句

1. constrained什么意思

1. Although the Stability and Growth Pact may be elastic enough to permit some deficit stimulus, a country may feel constrained from acting as aggressively as it wants.

2. The impact from EU catechol imports have constrained sales, market share and profits of the domestic industry.

3. constrained的反义词

3. Bai tries to release the soul of ceramics from the constrained frame in which they were enveloped for centuries.

4. constrained的解释

4. Given the strong linkages between CLP Power and CLP, the subsidiary's ratings were constrained by the ratings of its parent.

5. constrained在线翻译

5. " This has constrained Chinese banks'ability to generate profits, " Ba said.

6. constrained

6. The government wants to expand its stake in this increasingly competitive area, where it has few of the regulatory controls and controversies that have constrained research elsewhere.

7. If at first the marines felt constrained by orders to protect civilians, by now the battle had become so intense that there was little time for niceties.

8. Lee predicted further distress situation for the retail sector next year as constrained household budgets and the structural challenges facing the sector.

9. The United States could increase imports of ethanol from Brazil to fulfill the increasing demand, but is constrained by import tariffs designed to protect US corn farmers.

10. A deeper Chinese slowdown could weaken a global recovery already constrained by the debt burdens and unemployment of advanced economies.

constrained 英英释义


1. constrained的翻译

1. lacking spontaneity
    not natural

    e.g. a constrained smile
           forced heartiness
           a strained smile

    Synonym: forced strained
