
constituent [kənˈstɪtjuənt]  [kənˈstɪtʃuənt] 


constituent 基本解释

名词选民; 成分,构成部分; 委托人

形容词构成的,组成的; 选举的; 有选举权的

constituent 网络解释


1. 组分:组成混合物的单一物质是混合物的组分(constituent),混合物组分之间不仅可能存在相对运动,而且可能存在相互作用,甚至可能存在物质转化(如相变和化学反应等).

2. 要素:在一个成员的声明中引用的类型被称为成员的要素(Constituent)类型. 可能的要素类型包括:常数、域、属性、事件或索引类型,方法或操作符的返回类型和方法的参数类型,索引,操作符或构造函数.

3. 选举人:FASB的新主席Herz(2003)强调:第一,中立的财务报告是美国制度的基础;第二,不受选举人(constituent)的不适当影响或免除政治压力及在系统、完全和公开的适当程序保证下独立地制定会计准则是达到第一目标的基本要素.

constituent 词典解释

1. 选区居民;(尤指)选民
    A constituent is someone who lives in a particular constituency, especially someone who is able to vote in an election.

2. constituent的反义词

2. 成分;要素
    A constituent of a mixture, substance, or system is one of the things from which it is formed.

    e.g. Caffeine is the active constituent of drinks such as tea and coffee.

3. constituent的解释

3. 组成的;构成的
    The constituent parts of something are the things from which it is formed.

    e.g. ...a plan to split the company into its constituent parts and sell them separately.
    e.g. ...the leaders of Russia's constituent republics.

constituent 单语例句

1. Mr Churchill's statement said considerable efforts had been made to disrupt German progress - including attacks on plants making constituent parts of the bomb.

2. HONG KONG - The announced removal of China Netcom from the list of Hang Seng Index constituent stocks took effect after market close on Monday.

3. It is a constituent part of the China Association for Science and Technology.

4. Last month the council conducted another study of 313 constituent funds which represented 95 percent of all MPF funds in Hong Kong.

5. Morsi added that in case the draft constitution is disapproved in the December 15 referendum, he will call for the formation of a new constituent assembly.

6. constituent

6. Egypt was expected to finish drafting its new constitution by the end of September, namely three months after the establishment of its Constituent Assembly.

7. In addition to moving to the new facility, the upgrade of the fair will also include a regrouping of the constituent sections.

8. The Constituent Assembly elections slated for April 10 is to decide the future political setup and the fate of the monarchy of this country.

9. constituent的意思

9. The Constituent Assembly to be formed after the elections is to decide the future political setup and the fate of the monarchy in Nepal.

10. constituent

10. Such attacks forced the Hong Kong government to take defensive action by buying index constituent stocks worth more than HK $ 100 billion.

constituent 英英释义


1. an artifact that is one of the individual parts of which a composite entity is made up
    especially a part that can be separated from or attached to a system

    e.g. spare components for cars
           a component or constituent element of a system

    Synonym: component element

2. an abstract part of something

    e.g. jealousy was a component of his character
           two constituents of a musical composition are melody and harmony
           the grammatical elements of a sentence
           a key factor in her success
           humor: an effective ingredient of a speech

    Synonym: component element factor ingredient

3. constituent的解释

3. (grammar) a word or phrase or clause forming part of a larger grammatical construction

    Synonym: grammatical constituent

4. a member of a constituency
    a citizen who is represented in a government by officials for whom he or she votes

    e.g. needs continued support by constituents to be re-elected

5. something determined in relation to something that includes it

    e.g. he wanted to feel a part of something bigger than himself
           I read a portion of the manuscript
           the smaller component is hard to reach
           the animal constituent of plankton

    Synonym: part portion component part component
